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The Whisper von Pamela Zagarenski
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The Whisper (Original 2015; 2015. Auflage)

von Pamela Zagarenski (Autor)

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3763970,672 (4.25)6
Her magical book of stories is wordless until a whisper in the wind tells a little girl to imagine a story for each page.
Titel:The Whisper
Autoren:Pamela Zagarenski (Autor)
Info:HMH Books for Young Readers (2015), 40 pages
Tags:evil spy school


The Whisper von Pamela Zagarenski (2015)

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Beautiful book about telling stories ( )
  schoenbc70 | Sep 2, 2023 |
I love the Pamela Zagarenski's illustrations. They are beautiful and playful. And this story about a little girl and the magic of stories is lovely. You can read the story or do as the little girl and create your own with these wonderful illustrations!

Pictures are stories and stories are magic! ( )
  juliais_bookluvr | Mar 9, 2023 |
Not a traditional story book, which might frustrate some. A little girl borrows a book of stories from her teacher, but the words fall out on her way home. She loves the beautiful pictures but is discouraged until a voice whispers that she can make up her own stories to go with them. As she studies the pictures again (we see her in the corner of each spread and can see that the pictures she's looking at are the same ones we're seeing), she creates a title and a sentence or two to begin. Each sentence trails off...leaving an opportunity for the reader/child being read to to continue the tale. The girl falls asleep imagining stories and is late for school...but when a kind fox returns the lost words, the girl agrees to help her get reach some grapes before going on to tell the teacher all the stories she's invented. On the last page is a very short retelling of Aesop's "The Fox and the Grapes" (the origin of the fox in our book), in which the clever fox, instead of giving up and grumbling, imagines a different story for herself.

Beautifully illustrated (because I am nothing if not shallow about my picture books) and with plenty of excellent opportunities for children to stretch their imaginations! ( )
  books-n-pickles | Sep 5, 2022 |
Extraordinary images and a very imaginative story to go with it. Beautiful, mysterious, requires the reader to tell the story. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
An illustrated fable about imagination and stories. The pretty art is collage like and idiosyncratic but I wasn't totally charmed and I found the ubiquity of crowns odd and distracting. ( )
  quondame | Mar 14, 2021 |
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In happy hours, when the imagination | Wakes like a wind at midnight, and the soul | Trembles in all its leaves, it is a joy | To be on its wings, and listen |To the prophetic voices in the air |That call us onward.| --Longfellow
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Ann--my editor and friend, for your trust and honesty
Marthha and Basho--my rocks
Abi, Luka, Ryan, and Harper--the wonder in my life
Emily Bronte--the black widow spider who so inspired
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Her magical book of stories is wordless until a whisper in the wind tells a little girl to imagine a story for each page.

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4 26
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