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Premenstrual Syndrome: How You Can Benefit from Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods (Getting Well Naturally)

von Michael T. Nd Murray

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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a major problem for between 30 percent to 40 percent of menstruating women in the United States. Although in most cases symptoms are relatively mild, some women experience severe discomfort and pain. Symptoms of PMS range from headaches and cramping to depression and confusion. Remedies fill just as broad a spectrum. While for some women aspirin proves effective, others, in more severe cases, have turned to prescription drugs such as Prozac and Valium. In actuality, however, the side effects of such drugs outweigh their benefits. On the positive side there are other, more natural options. Dietary therapy, nutritional supplementation, and exercise are three elements of a simple, seven-step program designed by Michael T. Murray, N.D., who is widely regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine.In Premenstrual Syndrome, Dr. Murray shares his expertise and natural approach to the problem of PMS. First, he overviews PMS including diagnosis and classification information. He then discusses various natural ways to reduce monthly discomfort. Treatments include dietary changes like reducing intake of fat and caffeine while increasing an intake of soy foods. Nutritional supplementation and an exercise program are two other treatment options. Murray also includes information about: Low Thyroid Function in PMS Herbal Support for PMS Other Female Conditions Associated with PMS In this thorough guide, Murray takes readers through his simple program that will allow women to control monthly discomforts naturally and effectively.… (mehr)
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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a major problem for between 30 percent to 40 percent of menstruating women in the United States. Although in most cases symptoms are relatively mild, some women experience severe discomfort and pain. Symptoms of PMS range from headaches and cramping to depression and confusion. Remedies fill just as broad a spectrum. While for some women aspirin proves effective, others, in more severe cases, have turned to prescription drugs such as Prozac and Valium. In actuality, however, the side effects of such drugs outweigh their benefits. On the positive side there are other, more natural options. Dietary therapy, nutritional supplementation, and exercise are three elements of a simple, seven-step program designed by Michael T. Murray, N.D., who is widely regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine.In Premenstrual Syndrome, Dr. Murray shares his expertise and natural approach to the problem of PMS. First, he overviews PMS including diagnosis and classification information. He then discusses various natural ways to reduce monthly discomfort. Treatments include dietary changes like reducing intake of fat and caffeine while increasing an intake of soy foods. Nutritional supplementation and an exercise program are two other treatment options. Murray also includes information about: Low Thyroid Function in PMS Herbal Support for PMS Other Female Conditions Associated with PMS In this thorough guide, Murray takes readers through his simple program that will allow women to control monthly discomforts naturally and effectively.

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