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The Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel Collection: A Hopeful Heart, A Mother's Secret, A Dream of Home, A Simple Prayer

von Amy Clipston

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

Four women working at the Lancaster Grand Hotel find their way through life and love.

A Hopeful Heart

Hannah's community offers her love and support after the untimely death of her husband, but an Englisher offers her the chance of a new life after the unexpected tragedy.

A Mother's Secret

Carolyn knows she might never find a man who will have her and her son, Benjamin. A marriage of convenience doesn't sound so bad, yet Carolyn knows she wants to marry for love.

A Dream of Home

Madeleine is a former Air Force flight nurse living alone in Paradise, Pennsylvania, and working as a maid at the Lancaster Grand Hotel. She isn't exactly a widow . . . but she sure feels like one after losing her fiancé.

Saul isn't exactly a widower . . . but his wife is long gone. His young daughter, Emma, doesn't know that her mother fled the Amish community—and married another man—but she does know that her dat is lonely, and that a pretty young maedel just moved in next door.

A Simple Prayer

The sole survivor of a buggy accident that left her orphaned at age four, Linda was raised by her unwilling Uncle Reuben. She longs to be worthy of someone, but the life-long effects of her injuries and her upbringing under the care of her embittered uncle have destroyed her self-worth. She must learn to forgive her family that she is worthy of love.

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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMaryCourtney, jpcsmcmjc

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

Four women working at the Lancaster Grand Hotel find their way through life and love.

A Hopeful Heart

Hannah's community offers her love and support after the untimely death of her husband, but an Englisher offers her the chance of a new life after the unexpected tragedy.

A Mother's Secret

Carolyn knows she might never find a man who will have her and her son, Benjamin. A marriage of convenience doesn't sound so bad, yet Carolyn knows she wants to marry for love.

A Dream of Home

Madeleine is a former Air Force flight nurse living alone in Paradise, Pennsylvania, and working as a maid at the Lancaster Grand Hotel. She isn't exactly a widow . . . but she sure feels like one after losing her fiancé.

Saul isn't exactly a widower . . . but his wife is long gone. His young daughter, Emma, doesn't know that her mother fled the Amish community—and married another man—but she does know that her dat is lonely, and that a pretty young maedel just moved in next door.

A Simple Prayer

The sole survivor of a buggy accident that left her orphaned at age four, Linda was raised by her unwilling Uncle Reuben. She longs to be worthy of someone, but the life-long effects of her injuries and her upbringing under the care of her embittered uncle have destroyed her self-worth. She must learn to forgive her family that she is worthy of love.


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