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The Wild Hunt (Faerie Sworn Book 1) von Ron…
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The Wild Hunt (Faerie Sworn Book 1) (2014. Auflage)

von Ron C. Nieto (Autor)

Reihen: Faerie Sworn (1)

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People believe faeries aren't real. They're wrong. Lily Boyd always thought her grandmother was a little eccentric. She never suspected the old rhymes and children's games the old woman taught her when she was a kid were anything but colorful tradition, and when her mother moved the family to Manchester and forbade her from returning to the Scottish Highlands, she just forgot the ancient tales. However, when she returns years later to help her grandmother after she's been injured in an accident, the memories start to trickle back... along with the unexplainable. Lily's grandmother is gone. Strange creatures, dark and terrible, have invaded her home. Her savior is darker, more terrible than those who would have killed her, and he has his own agenda, his own goals. Troy's her only lead, but can she trust him? Can she learn the rules of his game before losing everything she cares about? Don't give a faerie your name. Don't give them your thanks. And never, ever give them your trust... The Complete Faerie Sworn Series Short story 0.5: Faerie Nights (available via the author's email list, aprox. 15 pages) Book 1: The Wild Hunt (aprox. 300 pages) Short story 1.5: Faerie Oaths (available via the author's email list, aprox. 35 pages) Book 2: The Wild Curse (aprox. 310 pages) Novella 2.5: Faerie Hearts (aprox. 50 pages) Book 3: The Wild Herald (aprox. 320 pages)… (mehr)
Titel:The Wild Hunt (Faerie Sworn Book 1)
Autoren:Ron C. Nieto (Autor)
Info:(2014), 306 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Wild Hunt von Ron C. Nieto

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I love stories of Celtic folklore especially those featuring Kelpies and Pucas both creatures that can become beautiful black horses. Thank you Ron for creating Troy he is a fascinating anti-hero and the growing romantic feelings between him and Lily had me reading every book in the series. I hope their story will continue and that they will enjoy many more adventures together. ( )
  epweil | Mar 2, 2017 |
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People believe faeries aren't real. They're wrong. Lily Boyd always thought her grandmother was a little eccentric. She never suspected the old rhymes and children's games the old woman taught her when she was a kid were anything but colorful tradition, and when her mother moved the family to Manchester and forbade her from returning to the Scottish Highlands, she just forgot the ancient tales. However, when she returns years later to help her grandmother after she's been injured in an accident, the memories start to trickle back... along with the unexplainable. Lily's grandmother is gone. Strange creatures, dark and terrible, have invaded her home. Her savior is darker, more terrible than those who would have killed her, and he has his own agenda, his own goals. Troy's her only lead, but can she trust him? Can she learn the rules of his game before losing everything she cares about? Don't give a faerie your name. Don't give them your thanks. And never, ever give them your trust... The Complete Faerie Sworn Series Short story 0.5: Faerie Nights (available via the author's email list, aprox. 15 pages) Book 1: The Wild Hunt (aprox. 300 pages) Short story 1.5: Faerie Oaths (available via the author's email list, aprox. 35 pages) Book 2: The Wild Curse (aprox. 310 pages) Novella 2.5: Faerie Hearts (aprox. 50 pages) Book 3: The Wild Herald (aprox. 320 pages)

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