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We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who…
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We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America (Original 2016; 2016. Auflage)

von Juan Williams (Autor)

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9727288,988 (3.62)9
"What would the Founding Fathers think about America today? Over 200 years ago the Founders broke away from the tyranny of the British Empire to build a nation based on the principles of freedom, equal rights, and opportunity for all men. But life in the United States today is vastly different from anything the original Founders could have imagined in the late 1700s. The notion of an African-American president of the United States, or a woman such as Condoleezza Rice or Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, would have been unimaginable to the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, or who ratified the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. In a fascinating work of history told through a series of in depth profiles, prize-winning journalist, bestselling author, and Fox political analyst Juan Williams takes readers into the life and work of a new generation of American Founders, who honor the original Founders' vision, even as they have quietly led revolutions in American politics, immigration, economics, sexual behavior, and reshaped the landscape of the nation. Among the modern-day pioneers Williams writes about in this compelling new book are the passionate conservative President Reagan; the determined fighters for equal rights, Thurgood Marshall and Martin Luther King, Jr.; the profound imprint of Rev. Billy Graham's evangelism on national politics; the focus on global human rights advocated by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; the leaders of the gay community who refused to back down during the Stonewall Riots and brought gay life into America's public square; the re-imagined role of women in contemporary life as shaped by Betty Friedan. Williams reveals how each of these modern-day founders has extended the Founding Fathers original vision and changed fundamental aspects of our country, from immigration, to the role of American labor in the economy, from modern police strategies, to the importance of religion in our political discourse. America in the 21st Century remains rooted in the Great American experiment in democracy that began in 1776. For all the changes our economy and our cultural and demographic make-up, there remains a straight line from the first Founders' original vision, to the principles and ideals of today's courageous modern day pioneers"-- "In We the People, renown journalist, Fox political analyst, and bestselling author Juan Williams examines the lives of the men and women in the 20th century who have extended the Founding Fathers' original vision of the country and reshaped what America is"--… (mehr)
Titel:We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America
Autoren:Juan Williams (Autor)
Info:Crown (2016), 464 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America von Juan Williams (2016)

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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This book required a long time for me to complete it. I was determined to finish it, however. I learned a lot, not so much of the factual kind but from learning how a person of a different race would tell the story.I consider the time investment well-worth the effort. The American story is very complex and is shaded in many ways, not the least of which is race. I admit I did not find anything radical. Neither did I find any significant soft-peddling. This simply an honest attempt to relate history. ( )
  DeaconBernie | Aug 21, 2017 |
A look at how the "New founding fathers" are reshaping the world from what was originally planned by the original founding fathers. ( )
  JacobDecker | Jun 6, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
An insightful book into what Juan Williams calls the "New Founding Fathers". An interesting read and take on various issues that have been around for quite some time. Not exactly a book I would have picked up in the wild but an enjoyable read regardless. Found myself only reading small snippets at a time before losing interest quickly. The time devoted to reading this book was however not wasted. ( )
  JacobDecker | Apr 10, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
In We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers’ Vision of American, author Juan Williams provides the reader will miniature profiles of some of the most influential leaders in 20th century America. Figures include the Kennedys, Bill Bratton, General Westmoreland, Milton Friedman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Billy Graham, Henry Kissinger, Barry Goldwater, Martin Luther King Jr. and several other people. Most of the people discussed in this book are pretty common names, but there were a few that I was not familiar with before I starting reading. Williams clearly favored and did not agree with certain individuals. The author’s inability to remain neutral made it difficult for me to read. It is also a bit dry and I could not help thinking that I was reading a textbook.
  drew.wichterman | Aug 24, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This is a nice book on modern figures who have embraced the Founding Father's idea of America and how they used their influence to continue the dream that started roughing 250 years ago. ( )
  cheetosrapper | Jul 21, 2016 |
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"What would the Founding Fathers think about America today? Over 200 years ago the Founders broke away from the tyranny of the British Empire to build a nation based on the principles of freedom, equal rights, and opportunity for all men. But life in the United States today is vastly different from anything the original Founders could have imagined in the late 1700s. The notion of an African-American president of the United States, or a woman such as Condoleezza Rice or Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, would have been unimaginable to the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, or who ratified the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. In a fascinating work of history told through a series of in depth profiles, prize-winning journalist, bestselling author, and Fox political analyst Juan Williams takes readers into the life and work of a new generation of American Founders, who honor the original Founders' vision, even as they have quietly led revolutions in American politics, immigration, economics, sexual behavior, and reshaped the landscape of the nation. Among the modern-day pioneers Williams writes about in this compelling new book are the passionate conservative President Reagan; the determined fighters for equal rights, Thurgood Marshall and Martin Luther King, Jr.; the profound imprint of Rev. Billy Graham's evangelism on national politics; the focus on global human rights advocated by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; the leaders of the gay community who refused to back down during the Stonewall Riots and brought gay life into America's public square; the re-imagined role of women in contemporary life as shaped by Betty Friedan. Williams reveals how each of these modern-day founders has extended the Founding Fathers original vision and changed fundamental aspects of our country, from immigration, to the role of American labor in the economy, from modern police strategies, to the importance of religion in our political discourse. America in the 21st Century remains rooted in the Great American experiment in democracy that began in 1776. For all the changes our economy and our cultural and demographic make-up, there remains a straight line from the first Founders' original vision, to the principles and ideals of today's courageous modern day pioneers"-- "In We the People, renown journalist, Fox political analyst, and bestselling author Juan Williams examines the lives of the men and women in the 20th century who have extended the Founding Fathers' original vision of the country and reshaped what America is"--

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