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Living with Jung: "Enterviews" with Jungian Analysts

von Robert And Janis Henderson

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Robert and Janis Henderson present interviews with twelve Jungian analysts, many of whom had a personal acquaintance with C.G. Jung and played a seminal role in shaping Jungian psychology. The interviews span not only the broad sweep of the history of Jungian psychology from ZA¼rich and beyond, but also the shifts in emphasis that have taken place in the practice of Jungian analysis over the years. As these Jungian analysts sketch their personal stories for the outside world, they de-mythologize not just themselves and their profession, but Jung himself. The interviews take the form of free-ranging conversations that run the gamut of human experience, from spirituality, dreams, death, and the afterlife to typology, personal crises, professional ethics, and sexuality. For Jungians and interested non-Jungians alike, this is a rich repository of information about the Jungian world, never before brought together in one place. Jungian analysts featured in this volume include James Hollis, Robert Johnson, Mario Jacoby, John Dourley, Nancy Qualls-Corbett, Robert Bosnak, Lyn Cowan, Verena Kast, John Weir Perry, Suzanne Wagner, and more.… (mehr)
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Robert and Janis Henderson present interviews with twelve Jungian analysts, many of whom had a personal acquaintance with C.G. Jung and played a seminal role in shaping Jungian psychology. The interviews span not only the broad sweep of the history of Jungian psychology from ZA¼rich and beyond, but also the shifts in emphasis that have taken place in the practice of Jungian analysis over the years. As these Jungian analysts sketch their personal stories for the outside world, they de-mythologize not just themselves and their profession, but Jung himself. The interviews take the form of free-ranging conversations that run the gamut of human experience, from spirituality, dreams, death, and the afterlife to typology, personal crises, professional ethics, and sexuality. For Jungians and interested non-Jungians alike, this is a rich repository of information about the Jungian world, never before brought together in one place. Jungian analysts featured in this volume include James Hollis, Robert Johnson, Mario Jacoby, John Dourley, Nancy Qualls-Corbett, Robert Bosnak, Lyn Cowan, Verena Kast, John Weir Perry, Suzanne Wagner, and more.

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