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The Gift for All People von Max Lucado
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The Gift for All People (1999. Auflage)

von Max Lucado (Autor)

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877425,620 (3.7)1
A New View on the Old Rugged Cross. Are peace, joy, and significance on your wish list? How about redemption, forgiveness, the salvation of your soul? Each of these descriptors bring us to the main event: grace. Saving grace, God's immeasurable gift intended for all. Regardless of accomplishments or station in life, despite sins of the past, anyone can receive the free gift of grace. Yet too often we take God's incomparable gift for granted-despite the fact that God's very Son paid for it with his body, breath, and blood. Understandably, we often find ourselves caught up in the daily routine of life, not taking time to reflect on the enormity of God's mercy. So here's a suggestion: give yourself the gift of a few moments spent in the world of God's grace. Listen to pastor Max Lucado's unique, stirring insights into God's role as grace-giver. Spend some time reflecting on the gift of grace, in all its magnificent meaning. Let grace, the gift for all people, speak to you personally through these pages. For All People-Even You God loves you more than you can imagine. Is that hard to believe? Many of us consider ourselves unworthy due to past sins and mistakes, wrong turns and missteps. But God's gift of grace is limitless. Though we are undeserving, he offers grace. Though we are weak in our faith, he extends strength through grace. God's endless grace is a free gift. It cannot be earned. No matter who you are or what you've done, the all-powerful God waits for you to choose him, to choose life in his presence-here and in heaven. '[God] simply wants you home with him. And to bring you home, he offers you a gift. My prayer is that through these pages you'll see his gift like you've never seen it. If you've already accepted it, you'll thank him again. And if you've never accepted it, you will. For it's the gift of a lifetime, a gift for all people.' -Max Lucado.… (mehr)
Titel:The Gift for All People
Autoren:Max Lucado (Autor)
Info:Multnomah (1999), 144 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Wunschzettel


The Gift for All People von Max Lucado

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This may be a small book in length, but it is so full of promises and reminders of what Christ sacrificed for us. “The Gift For All People” is aptly titled as Max Lucado takes up through various scriptures to illustrate what that important gift was and what it means to all humans. Many have accepted that gift. but it does not mean that a book like this does not have any new messages. It reminds up of what a wonderful gift God gave us through his son. This book would be a great devotional book as most of the chapters are only a page or two and give the reader many things to think about. It also gives many scripture references that the reader can follow up with. Lucado's writing is very lyrical and easy to read. A great book for any Christian or someone who is exploring Christianity. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
A quick read, thirty-three short chapters separated in four sections: The Gift of the Savior, Ransom for Sinners, Bounteous Grace, and The Choice. The author has written over fifty books and in 2005 was named the 'Best Preacher in America' by Readers Digest.
  DLUC | Jul 9, 2009 |
The Gift for All People is a celebration of God’s gift of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The concluding story, written especially for this book, urges readers to give their lives to Jesus Christ and shows them how to do so. This book will provide Christians with a unique, warm, and attractive presentation of the gospel to give to non-Christian family or friends.
  pumcyouth | Aug 25, 2007 |
The Gift for All People is a celebration of God’s gift of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The concluding story, written especially for this book, urges readers to give their lives to Jesus Christ and shows them how to do so. This book will provide Christians with a unique, warm, and attractive presentation of the gospel to give to non-Christian family or friends.

More than anything, God wants you to be with Him. The God who designed your world, the God who placed you on the planet, simply wants you home with Him. And to bring you home, He offers you a gift...the gift of eternal salvation.

My prayer is that through the pages of this book you'll see his gift like you've never seen it.

If you've already accepted it, you'll thank Him again. And if you've never accepted it, I pray that you will. For it's the gift of a lifetime. A gift for all people.
  PeaceUMC | Aug 19, 2007 |
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A New View on the Old Rugged Cross. Are peace, joy, and significance on your wish list? How about redemption, forgiveness, the salvation of your soul? Each of these descriptors bring us to the main event: grace. Saving grace, God's immeasurable gift intended for all. Regardless of accomplishments or station in life, despite sins of the past, anyone can receive the free gift of grace. Yet too often we take God's incomparable gift for granted-despite the fact that God's very Son paid for it with his body, breath, and blood. Understandably, we often find ourselves caught up in the daily routine of life, not taking time to reflect on the enormity of God's mercy. So here's a suggestion: give yourself the gift of a few moments spent in the world of God's grace. Listen to pastor Max Lucado's unique, stirring insights into God's role as grace-giver. Spend some time reflecting on the gift of grace, in all its magnificent meaning. Let grace, the gift for all people, speak to you personally through these pages. For All People-Even You God loves you more than you can imagine. Is that hard to believe? Many of us consider ourselves unworthy due to past sins and mistakes, wrong turns and missteps. But God's gift of grace is limitless. Though we are undeserving, he offers grace. Though we are weak in our faith, he extends strength through grace. God's endless grace is a free gift. It cannot be earned. No matter who you are or what you've done, the all-powerful God waits for you to choose him, to choose life in his presence-here and in heaven. '[God] simply wants you home with him. And to bring you home, he offers you a gift. My prayer is that through these pages you'll see his gift like you've never seen it. If you've already accepted it, you'll thank him again. And if you've never accepted it, you will. For it's the gift of a lifetime, a gift for all people.' -Max Lucado.

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