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Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul…
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Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul (2014. Auflage)

von Deborah Rodriguez (Autor)

Reihen: Cup of Friendship (2)

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544493,961 (3.81)5
The spellbinding sequel to The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. Six women, on opposite sides of the earth, yet forever joined by a cafU in Kabul. Sunny, its former proprietor and the new owner of the Screaming Peacock Vineyard in the Pacific Northwest. But can she handle the challenges of life on her own? Yazmina, the young mother who now runs the cafe, until a terrifying event strikes at the heart of her family, and business ...Layla and Kat, two Afghan teenagers in America, both at war with the cultures that shaped them ...Zara, a young woman about to be forced into a marriage with a man she despises, with devastating consequences for all ...These five women are about to learn what Halajan, Yazmina's rebellious mother-in-law, has known all along: that when the world as you know it disappears, you find a new way to survive.… (mehr)
Titel:Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul
Autoren:Deborah Rodriguez (Autor)
Sammlungen:Read but unreviewed, Deine Bibliothek


Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul von Deborah Rodriguez

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I loved this book!
This is the sequel to Deborah Rodriguez much loved book 'The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. Most of the characters from the first book are there as well as some new ones, I won't list them all because it'll take up too much space but the main characters Sunny, Yazmina, Layla & Halajan are back. Sunny is back in the US & is mourning her boyfriend, Jack's loss. At the same time, she's been lumped with a run down vineyard & has to figure out what to do with it. Layla is also in the US is struggling in the totally alien American culture. On the other side of the globe, Yazmina & her new husband Ahmet are now running the coffee shop in Kabul while & Halajan is being her same rebellious self & breaking all the rules until a tragic event turns everyone's world upside down.
I loved this book almost as much as I did the first book. It was wonderful catching up with all the characters again & I loved the storytelling. The setting descriptions were so lush & vivid I felt like I was in Kabul (a not entirely comfortable feeling given my gender) there were also some good themes explored in this book like loss, grief, & of course the terrible treatment of Afghani women. The only complaint I have about the book is that it ended a bit abruptly but all in all, it's still a good read.
  leah152 | Jun 16, 2022 |
A very well-conceived novel to highlight the cultural differences between Afghanistan and America.
I plodded through the first few chapters wondering 'why am I reading this?' Then when Sunny started bargaining with Rick, I was suddenly immersed in the story. I really liked it.
She makes the characters come alive. ( )
  GeoffSC | Jul 25, 2020 |
A few years after the end of the last set of stories and life has changed for all the women associated with the coffee shop. Sunny is in the Pacific North-West, grieving at the loss of Jack, meanwhile in Kabul there is a focus on the rights of women. Following a devastating attack the coffee shop needs to refocus and in America Sunny needs a new direction.

This book ploughs the groove forged in the original and therefore, knowing what to expect, I found it a more enjoyable read. Again there are really deep and profound issues regarding the rights of women in Afghanistan which are used to link the narrative and spoken about judgementally but which are not really developed with any depth.
( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Jun 26, 2017 |
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John Asahara, a wonderful man full of wisdom, love, and kindness. You are an inspiration to many.
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"Are you blind, you stupid girl? Do you want to get me killed?"
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The spellbinding sequel to The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. Six women, on opposite sides of the earth, yet forever joined by a cafU in Kabul. Sunny, its former proprietor and the new owner of the Screaming Peacock Vineyard in the Pacific Northwest. But can she handle the challenges of life on her own? Yazmina, the young mother who now runs the cafe, until a terrifying event strikes at the heart of her family, and business ...Layla and Kat, two Afghan teenagers in America, both at war with the cultures that shaped them ...Zara, a young woman about to be forced into a marriage with a man she despises, with devastating consequences for all ...These five women are about to learn what Halajan, Yazmina's rebellious mother-in-law, has known all along: that when the world as you know it disappears, you find a new way to survive.

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