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Order to Kill: A Novel (A Mitch Rapp Novel)…
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Order to Kill: A Novel (A Mitch Rapp Novel) (2016. Auflage)

von Vince Flynn (Autor)

Reihen: Mitch Rapp (15)

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750931,271 (3.98)4
Mitch Rapp is used to winning. But now the CIA operative finds himself chasing false leads from continent to continent in an effort to keep nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. Together with friend and colleague Scott Coleman, Rapp struggles to prevent the loss of these lethal weapons, and soon it becomes alarmingly clear that forces in Moscow are hell-bent on fomenting even more chaos and turmoil in the Middle East. Rapp must go deep into Russian territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit, to stop a plan much more dangerous and insidious than he ever expected.… (mehr)
Titel:Order to Kill: A Novel (A Mitch Rapp Novel)
Autoren:Vince Flynn (Autor)
Info:Atria/Emily Bestler Books (2016), 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Order to Kill von Kyle Mills

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Mitch Rapp Novel, A - Book 15
  MontanaMick | Jun 30, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Book order: Book 1: The Last Man, Book 2: Kill Shot, Book 3: American Assassin, Book 4: Pursuit of Honor, Book 5: Extreme Measure, Book 6: Protect and Defend, Book 7: Act of Treason, Book 8: Consent To Kill, Book 9: Memorial Day, Book 10: Executive Power, Book 11: Separation of Power, Book 12: The Third Option, Book 13: Transfer of Power, Book 14: Term Limits, Book 15: Order To Kill, with Kyle Millls The Survivor, Book 1:
  maven79 | Mar 18, 2023 |
I liked this Mitch Rapp book better than the first one written by Kyle Mills, The Survivor, which I rated 3.5 stars. Mitch is working in Islamabad to try to thwart extremists as the government and Army are playing hide and seek with its nuclear arsenal. Mitch jets off to South Africa to save his close friend Claudia and her daughter, after being tipped by an unlikely source. Meanwhile, Russian president Krupin is under enormous pressure to restore his country's presence on the world stage and launches an audacious plan, with his personal assassin Grisha Azarov in charge. He is a formidable opponent for Rapp, getting the drop on Rapp's main support, Scott Coleman, with his physical prowess enhanced by PEDs. I am disappointed that Mills dropped this physical advantage of Azarov when the two go head-to-head in an abandoned oil refinery. Good plot and pacing. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
I think Kyle is doing a great job continuing Vince's legacy. ( )
  aldimartino | Nov 24, 2020 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Mills, KyleHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Flynn, VinceAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Mitch Rapp is used to winning. But now the CIA operative finds himself chasing false leads from continent to continent in an effort to keep nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. Together with friend and colleague Scott Coleman, Rapp struggles to prevent the loss of these lethal weapons, and soon it becomes alarmingly clear that forces in Moscow are hell-bent on fomenting even more chaos and turmoil in the Middle East. Rapp must go deep into Russian territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit, to stop a plan much more dangerous and insidious than he ever expected.

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