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Bosnia and Herzegovina (Countries of the World)

von Matilda Gabrielpillai

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From familiar neighbors to distant parts of the globe, this engaging series offers readers a close-up look at countries around the world. Vivid color photographs enhance up-to-date information on each country's geography, history, system of government, lifestyle, language, art, food, and more. An intriguing section of special features provides a window into each country's unique customs, as well as its current issues. Each volume details its country's current and historical relations with the United States and Canada, emphasizing the rich sharing of cultures that helps define today's global society. Also included in each volume is a black-and-white classroom map, easy to photocopy for classroom activities.… (mehr)

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From familiar neighbors to distant parts of the globe, this engaging series offers readers a close-up look at countries around the world. Vivid color photographs enhance up-to-date information on each country's geography, history, system of government, lifestyle, language, art, food, and more. An intriguing section of special features provides a window into each country's unique customs, as well as its current issues. Each volume details its country's current and historical relations with the United States and Canada, emphasizing the rich sharing of cultures that helps define today's global society. Also included in each volume is a black-and-white classroom map, easy to photocopy for classroom activities.

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