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von Kieran Scott

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This stunning book is a photographic journey throughout New Zealand. The entire country is represented in some way, e.g. a scenic shot and a portrait might be all that is needed to convey a sense of place and feeling for the deep south, just as a cafe scene and a view of the harbour could describe Wellington. Starting in the far north, the photographs are grouped regionally and move south geographically through the country. The visual journey includes both black and white and colour images and a good mixture of landscape, portrait, still life, urban scenes and interiors. Captions will reveal real information about the photos, giving time of day/date, people's names and information about places ...even descriptions of the weather Kieran Scott currently photographs for Tourism NZ on the 100% Pure NZ campaign. He is a highly regarded photographer who does a lot of advertising work and works for Cuisine. He has photographed many popular New Zealand cookbooks.… (mehr)
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This stunning book is a photographic journey throughout New Zealand. The entire country is represented in some way, e.g. a scenic shot and a portrait might be all that is needed to convey a sense of place and feeling for the deep south, just as a cafe scene and a view of the harbour could describe Wellington. Starting in the far north, the photographs are grouped regionally and move south geographically through the country. The visual journey includes both black and white and colour images and a good mixture of landscape, portrait, still life, urban scenes and interiors. Captions will reveal real information about the photos, giving time of day/date, people's names and information about places ...even descriptions of the weather Kieran Scott currently photographs for Tourism NZ on the 100% Pure NZ campaign. He is a highly regarded photographer who does a lot of advertising work and works for Cuisine. He has photographed many popular New Zealand cookbooks.

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