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4 3 2 1 von Paul Auster
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4 3 2 1 (2017. Auflage)

von Paul Auster, Ronald Vlek

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1,904778,996 (3.82)1 / 75
"Paul Auster's greatest, most heartbreaking and satisfying novel -- a sweeping and surprising story of birthright and possibility, of love and of life itself: a masterpiece. Nearly two weeks early, on March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson's life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four identical Fergusons made of the same DNA, four boys who are the same boy, go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Athletic skills and sex lives and friendships and intellectual passions contrast. Each Ferguson falls under the spell of the magnificent Amy Schneiderman, yet each Amy and each Ferguson have a relationship like no other. Meanwhile, readers will take in each Ferguson's pleasures and ache from each Ferguson's pains, as the mortal plot of each Ferguson's life rushes on. As inventive and dexterously constructed as anything Paul Auster has ever written, yet with a passion for realism and a great tenderness and fierce attachment to history and to life itself that readers have never seen from Auster before. 4 3 2 1 is a marvelous and unforgettably affecting tour de force."-- "A sweeping family saga (with a bit of a twist) about the life and loves of Archie Ferguson, a Jewish boy born to second-generation immigrants in the United States just after World War II"--… (mehr)
Titel:4 3 2 1
Autoren:Paul Auster
Weitere Autoren:Ronald Vlek
Info:Amsterdam : De Bezige Bij, 2017
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


4 3 2 1 Paul Auster von Paul Auster

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    charlie68: Takes place in the same era and setting.
    charlie68: Takes place during the same era and place.
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» Siehe auch 75 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

le 4 vite di Ferguson ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
La història d'un personatge explicada de quatre maneres diferents segons s'hagués trobat en distintes situacions. ( )
  Martapagessala | May 11, 2024 |
4321: This book was on my reading list as one of the short listed 2017 Man Booker Prize finalists. I chose the Audible version knowing nothing about the book, and I began to listen as I took my daily walks. I walked and listened through the first week ... and then the second week ... and then listened nonstop on a flight from Austin to London. The reader's voice, so close in my ear, became like my own voice, talking to me about my own growing up, my own history and my own questions, for the story it was telling was my generation's story. I checked my progress through the book and discovered I wasn't yet halfway through 😳. Then I came upon a copy of the book for sale in a London bookstore. It has 880 pages, enough necessary to tell the story of a generation coming of age, complete with the what-if's, could-have's, quirks of fate. It tells the stories of 4 versions of the same life, ordered side by side from young childhood through the early 20's of a young man's life during 1950s and 1960s. It's a real commitment but a good exercise in comparing a previously tumultuous time in the life of the United States with today's equality tumultuous time. The author beautifully reads his own work, bringing emotion and perspective to a big endeavor. 4 stars ( )
  jemisonreads | Jan 22, 2024 |
Somehow Paul Auster has slipped past me until this year. Well, no more!

I LOVED this book. Haruki Murakami is quoted on the back cover saying, "Paul Auster is definitely a genius." The need to use definitely made me laugh, but that quote continued to stick with me as I read on and now I really don't know how else to describe how I feel about this astonishing piece of work. Paul Auster is definitely a genius; there's no doubt about it.

I was drawn to this book because of its premise and because a very excited contributor from Book Riot wrote about its impending publication. The idea of tracking the four different paths a man's life could take was intriguing enough, but what I was not prepared for was the total love letter to literature and poetry, writing, translation and the beautiful nuances of languages, and what it is like to become a general member of the arts community, what I was not prepared for was the vivid recreation of the atmosphere and political climate of real-life 1960s New York (with references to real people!), and what I was not prepared for was the depth of this creative voice exploring how even the smallest events and decisions might impact a life in the biggest kind of way.

I started reading a library copy of 4 3 2 1 on my Kobo, but when time inevitably ran out on my loan (at 866 dense pages, I knew I wouldn't get through it all in time), I decided to buy a print copy, thinking I would probably end up wanting to keep it in my personal library the way things were going. I was right. Even though the hardcover is not much smaller than the Chicago Manual of Style, which made lugging it around on the subway and bus a bit of a challenge, and even though there were a couple of moments where I wasn't sure that I agreed with the way certain ideas and subjects were presented, this book was entirely worth it.

This is the longest Goodreads review I've ever written. So maybe that says something. I told you I would gush, so I am gushing. Thank you, Paul Auster. ( )
  feralcreature | Oct 31, 2023 |
What would happen if things had gone a different way, if you’d made another choice or if events had played out slightly differently? That’s the premise of this novel, which sounds far more intriguing than it turns out to be. You have four somewhat different, mostly mundane lives, even if you get a clever little metafictional twist at the end. The Guardian’s review, which is far more favorable than my own, says, “the sheer weight of historical detail acts as a defence against solipsism.” I’d happily have taken the solipsism, which would probably have been more interesting from a philosophical point of view, over “the sheer weight of historical detail” that bogs down the narrative. I listened to this as an audiobook, read by the author, or else I’d probably have given up on it after the first cycle of Fergusons. ( )
  Charon07 | Oct 18, 2023 |
Tot ongeveer pagina 850 kon ik geen genoeg krijgen van dit boek. Het is het verhaal van Ferguson’s leven, maar dan vier keer opgeschreven, met kleine variaties. Door toevalligheden worden de verschillen groter naarmate hij ouder wordt. In alle versies is hij verliefd op Amy. Hij scheelt maar drie maanden met Amy en zij zit daardoor een klas hoger. In het ene verhaal is het zijn stiefzus en in de andere versie een nichtje. Hij gaat naar verschillende universiteiten of hij gaat naar Parijs. Aan het eind wordt het verhaal erg gedetailleerd met lijsten van films over zelfmoord. Maar ook over de top 100 van boeken om te lezen, die zijn stiefvader Gil hem meegeeft naar Parijs. Of de redenen waarom Celia Federman hem zal verlaten...lees verder >
4 3 2 1 follows four Fergusons from their births to a Jewish family on March 3, 1947, in Newark, N.J. Each chapter is divided into four numbered sections, corresponding with each different version of Ferguson. They're the same person, in a way, but their lives follow dramatically different paths. One dies at 13, struck by a falling tree limb during a thunderstorm; his sections after that are left blank.... it's a stunningly ambitious novel, and a pleasure to read. Auster's writing is joyful, even in the book's darkest moments, and never ponderous or showy. "Time moved in two directions because every step into the future carried a memory of the past," one of the Fergusons muses, "... and while all people were bound together by the common space they shared, their journeys through time were all different, which meant that each person lived in a slightly different world from everyone else." Auster proves himself a master of navigating these worlds, and even though all might not happen for the best in any of them, it's an incredibly moving, true journey.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenNPR, Michael Schaub (Feb 1, 2017)
Auster gives us four parallel versions of Archie. Each pursues a passage all his own, although there are some striking continuities, beginning with a common ancestor: a grandfather who, when asked his name at Ellis Island, "blurted out in Yiddish, Ikh hob fargessen (I've forgotten)! And so it was that Isaac Reznikoff began his new life in America as Ichabod Ferguson." ...Archie is an aesthete, although this means different things to different variants. In one story line, he is a fiction writer and in another a journalist. It’s a game to a certain extent, in which the structure of the book reminds us of its own conditionality, the mutability of narrative, the notion that stories, like lives, are only fixed when they are done.... what’s most striking about the novel is the way its different narratives reflect, rather than diverge from, one another, what they share rather than what sets them apart.... "4321" is a long book, and it can meander through the details and detritus of a life — or quartet of lives. Still, what's compelling always is its sense that the most important time exists within us, the time of memory and imagination, out of which identity is forged.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenWashington Post, David L. Ulin (bezahlte Seite) (Jan 24, 2017)
He packs the books with minor characters of assorted races and ages, and attempts to conjure up a jaunty urban cacophony. That goal, however, is incompatible with Auster’s habitual style, which is a top-down, summarizing narration that closes like a fist around the proceedings. His novels are short on dramatic scenes and dialogue, and it’s not easy to celebrate a polyglot metropolis when you’re unaccustomed to letting characters speak for themselves. Whoever is telling the story—whoever is speaking, period—always sounds too much like Paul Auster ... Sprawling, repetitive, occasionally splendid, and just as often exasperating, 4 3 2 1 is never quite dull, but it comes too close to tedium too often; there is no good reason for this novel to be eight hundred and sixty-six pages long, or for every Archie’s love of baseball and movies and French poetry to be rhapsodized over, or for every major headline of the nineteen-fifties and sixties to come under review.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenThe New Yorker, Laura Miller (bezahlte Seite) (Jan 22, 2017)

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According to family legend, Ferguson's grandfather departed on foot from his native city of Minsk with one hundred rubles sewn into the lining of his jacket, traveled west to Hamburg through Warsaw and Berlin, and then booked passage on a ship called the Empress of china, which crossed the Atlantic in rough winter storms and sailed into New York harbour on the first day of the twentieth century.
Según la leyenda familiar, el abuelo de Ferguson salió a pie deMinsk, su ciudad natal, con cien rublos cosidos en el forro de la chaqueta, y pasando por Varsovia y Berlín viajó en dirección oeste hasta Hamburgo, donde sacó billete en un buque llamado The Empress of China, que cruzó el Atlantico entre agitadas tormentas invernales y entró en el puerto de Nueva York el primer día del siglo XX.
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E così nacque Ferguson, e per diversi secondi, una volta uscito dal corpo di sua madre, fu l'essere umano più giovane sulla faccia della terra.
… capì che la musica era il cuore, l'espressione più piena del cuore umano, e ora che aveva udito ciò che aveva udito, cominciava a udire meglio, e meglio udiva, più profondamente sentiva – a volte così profondamente che il suo corpo tremava.
… il nonno di Ferguson andò da Didi sulla Sessantatreesima Est, si infilò a letto con lei e subì l'immenso infarto coronarico che lo uccise proprio mentre eiaculava per l'ultima volta nella sua vita movimentata, pasticciona e in gran parte piacevole. "La petite mort" e "la grande mort" a dieci secondi di distanza una dall'altra – venire e andare nell'arco di tre brevi respiri.
… lo stesso "spazio vuoto" di cui aveva parlato Vivian quando aveva descritto come si era sentita dopo aver finito il suo libro. Non vuoto nel senso di trovarsi sola in una stanza senza mobili, ma nel senso di sentirsi svuotata. Sì, esatto, svuotata come può esserlo una donna dopo aver partorito. Ma in questo caso era un bambino senza vita, un neonato che non sarebbe mai cambiato né cresciuto e non avrebbe imparato a camminare, perché i libri vivevano dentro di te solo finché li scrivevi, ma una volta usciti, erano consumati e morti.
… il telegramma azzurro con la notizia nera che sua madre era inciampata e caduta per le scale di casa a Montréal ed era morta a sessant'anni.
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"Paul Auster's greatest, most heartbreaking and satisfying novel -- a sweeping and surprising story of birthright and possibility, of love and of life itself: a masterpiece. Nearly two weeks early, on March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson's life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four identical Fergusons made of the same DNA, four boys who are the same boy, go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Athletic skills and sex lives and friendships and intellectual passions contrast. Each Ferguson falls under the spell of the magnificent Amy Schneiderman, yet each Amy and each Ferguson have a relationship like no other. Meanwhile, readers will take in each Ferguson's pleasures and ache from each Ferguson's pains, as the mortal plot of each Ferguson's life rushes on. As inventive and dexterously constructed as anything Paul Auster has ever written, yet with a passion for realism and a great tenderness and fierce attachment to history and to life itself that readers have never seen from Auster before. 4 3 2 1 is a marvelous and unforgettably affecting tour de force."-- "A sweeping family saga (with a bit of a twist) about the life and loves of Archie Ferguson, a Jewish boy born to second-generation immigrants in the United States just after World War II"--

Keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen gefunden.

Paul Austers "vielleicht bestes Buch" urteilt ARD "Titel, Thesen, Temperamente": Archibald Ferguson heißt der jugendliche Held von Paul Austers Roman, und er kommt darin gleich viermal vor - in vier raffiniert verwobenen Variationen seines Lebens, ganz nach dem Motto: Was wäre geschehen, wenn...? So entwirft Auster ein grandioses, episches Porträt der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Amerika, voller Abenteuer, Liebe, Lebenskämpfe und den Schlägen eines unberechenbaren Schicksals.

4 3 2 1 ist ein faszinierendes, ein überwältigendes Gedankenspiel und ein Höhepunkt in Austers Schaffen.

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