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One Perfect Lie von Lisa Scottoline
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One Perfect Lie (2017. Auflage)

von Lisa Scottoline (Autor)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
7806029,783 (3.65)25
"One Perfect Lie is an emotional thriller and a suburban crime story that will keep you guessing until you turn the very last page. On the surface, it tells the tale of the struggling single mother of a high-school pitcher, a shy kid so athletically talented that he's being recruited for a full-ride scholarship to a Division I college, with a future in major-league baseball. But the mother fears that she's losing her grip on her son because he's being lured down a darker path by one of his teammates, a secretly disturbed young man from an affluent family, whose excellent grades and fun-loving manner conceal his violent criminal plans. Add a handsome stranger who comes to town and infiltrates the high school, posing as a teacher but with a hidden agenda all his own. The mix becomes combustible when a beloved faculty member turns up dead as a suicide, in circumstances equally consistent with murder. Only then is the true identity of the fake teacher revealed, and the single mother finds herself engaged in a battle for the future, the soul, and the very life of her only son. One Perfect Lie is a riveting and suspenseful family drama, and by the time you close the book, you will realize that nothing was as it seemed at the beginning"--… (mehr)
Titel:One Perfect Lie
Autoren:Lisa Scottoline (Autor)
Info:Macmillan Audio (2017)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


One Perfect Lie von Lisa Scottoline

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Finished it but really didn't care for at all. ( )
  LillianCox | Jul 3, 2024 |
Enjoyed this, liked the way they fooled you into thinking the good guy was the bad guy for about half the way. The reveal was good and the second half was enjoyable but they lost me at the end with a huge impossible helicopter rescue. Quite unbelievable. Overall good for a thriller. ( )
  jldarden | Dec 14, 2023 |
This is only a brief review as I don't want to give anything away. There are plenty of twists that caught me by surprise adding to the pure enjoyment of reading this book so I wouldn't want to take that away from anyone.
I will say that I loved this book it is a book that is extremely high up on my list of books I recommend to family and friends.
It is also going to make a great Christmas present for my step-dad!
This is the first book I have read from this author and from enjoying this one so much I will look forward to reading more of her work. ( )
  DebTat2 | Oct 13, 2023 |
4.75 stars, as it was fast paced thriller that had me hooked into characters and not wanting to put it down. Finished it in two days and loved it! There was a twist I didn't see coming, which is rare for me, so hats off to Lisa Scottoline. In fact she probably could have kept me conflicted as the twist unraveled for a little longer, but it had me wanting to go back and reread from the beginning to see what I missed, like a good movie that you can see twice. I have a hard time giving fast paced action thrillers five stars, just because they are beach reads and not life changing and thought provoking. This was so good, it came close! I have read other Lisa Scottoline books, but this was her best I've read. Be sure to reserve your copy for April 2017! ( )
  Asauer72 | Jul 3, 2023 |
Well, this book really surprised me time after time. Scotterline has a knack for thrilling books that also present some interesting thought about life, and this was indeed the case here.
And this one definitely threw me for a total loop. I'm used to not being able to guess what will happen in a book; however, I'm not used to books crossing over to entirely different genres than I thought they were in.
Chris as a character had much more depth to him than I initially thought. The way that his background led him to be the type of person he was really sad to read about but made him a more well-rounded person. At first, I definitely thought that he'd be pretty flat and predictable, but he was far from it, and the kind of psychopathic tendencies he had were fabulous.
I can't say I adore Scottoline's writing style; there's something a little bit too fatalistic to it though I can't place my finger on why. However, the curves this threw me for (one so much so that I had to reread five pages to make sure I hadn't missed something) were a lot of fun. Still, though there was some gore, I didn't feel completely on edge.
There were politics to this also that were intriguing. I'm not going to add much more so as not to spoil anything, but yeah.
This is a pretty solid thriller. Would recommend.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
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Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.--Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
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To Shane and Liam, with love.
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Chris Brennan was applying for a teaching job at Central Valley High School, but he was a fraud.
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"One Perfect Lie is an emotional thriller and a suburban crime story that will keep you guessing until you turn the very last page. On the surface, it tells the tale of the struggling single mother of a high-school pitcher, a shy kid so athletically talented that he's being recruited for a full-ride scholarship to a Division I college, with a future in major-league baseball. But the mother fears that she's losing her grip on her son because he's being lured down a darker path by one of his teammates, a secretly disturbed young man from an affluent family, whose excellent grades and fun-loving manner conceal his violent criminal plans. Add a handsome stranger who comes to town and infiltrates the high school, posing as a teacher but with a hidden agenda all his own. The mix becomes combustible when a beloved faculty member turns up dead as a suicide, in circumstances equally consistent with murder. Only then is the true identity of the fake teacher revealed, and the single mother finds herself engaged in a battle for the future, the soul, and the very life of her only son. One Perfect Lie is a riveting and suspenseful family drama, and by the time you close the book, you will realize that nothing was as it seemed at the beginning"--

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Durchschnitt: (3.65)
1 3
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2 9
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3 44
3.5 18
4 54
4.5 2
5 32

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