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Laugh With Health

von Manfred urs Koch

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LEARN HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF WITH THE FOOD YOU EAT!Laugh with Health is the complete 'body system' guide to health and healing. Now completely revised and updated, this practical, easy-to-use book includes:* unique food charts and vital health hints for everyday use* a detailed explanation of 36 essential vitamins and minerals* food combination charts for improved digestion and health* simple recipe ideas based on a full range of natural foods* specific natural food diets for various common health conditions.Recommended by medical doctors and naturopaths, Laugh with Health is everyone's essential reference for living a life of health and wellbeing.'This book, Laugh with Health, gives us the opportunity of understanding the benefits of eating well, eating naturally.' -- Dr John Tickell'Laugh with Health is beautifully illustrated, with information set out in an easily readable format. I can highly recommend it to all those who seek a better way of life.' -- Peggy Zindler, naturopath'I will continue to recommend your book to all I know.' -- Steven Ward'I have found it an incredibly helpful resource book.' -- Roselyn Bowen… (mehr)
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LEARN HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF WITH THE FOOD YOU EAT!Laugh with Health is the complete 'body system' guide to health and healing. Now completely revised and updated, this practical, easy-to-use book includes:* unique food charts and vital health hints for everyday use* a detailed explanation of 36 essential vitamins and minerals* food combination charts for improved digestion and health* simple recipe ideas based on a full range of natural foods* specific natural food diets for various common health conditions.Recommended by medical doctors and naturopaths, Laugh with Health is everyone's essential reference for living a life of health and wellbeing.'This book, Laugh with Health, gives us the opportunity of understanding the benefits of eating well, eating naturally.' -- Dr John Tickell'Laugh with Health is beautifully illustrated, with information set out in an easily readable format. I can highly recommend it to all those who seek a better way of life.' -- Peggy Zindler, naturopath'I will continue to recommend your book to all I know.' -- Steven Ward'I have found it an incredibly helpful resource book.' -- Roselyn Bowen

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