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Herbarium von Caz Hildebrand
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Herbarium (2016. Auflage)

von Caz Hildebrand (Autor)

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Herbs are all about living well, from enriching a meal to treating an illness. Sacred, almost mystical qualities have often been associated with their long history of curative and ritualistic practices. Today, as a wider variety becomes more accessible, and their properties receive more attention, we can benefit from a fuller understanding of the power of herbs.Herbarium explores the histories, associations, and uses of 100 herbs, as well as providing ideas for how each herb can be used to improve both food and well-being. Each entry features a specially commissioned illustration with texts that include the botanical name, place of origin, varieties, and areas where the herb is most commonly grown. The essence of each herb is explored in a brief history peppered with interesting anecdotes, complemented by suggestions of classic combinations and helpful tips for gardeners. A reference section includes advice on how to grow and keep herbs, herb-food pairings, and using herbs for health and beauty treatments.A contemporary reboot of the traditional herbarium, this book will expand readers' knowledge, improve culinary skills, and enhance their appreciation of the incredible world of tastes offered by herbs.… (mehr)
Autoren:Caz Hildebrand (Autor)
Info:Thames & Hudson (2016), Edition: 1, 224 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade
Tags:cookbook, reference, herbs, plants, general


Herbarium von Caz Hildebrand

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Herbs! Grow! Cook! Heal! This lovely looking book is full of herbal knowledge. Each of these one hundred herbs gets a page devoted to them and the opposite page is a decorative modernist type art representation for that herb. Each herb has a short description of facts, and along the side of the page: tips on growing the herb in your house or garden, foods to pair the herb with, interesting ideas on how to try them, and any healing properties the herb offers. I learned a lot from this book, being an herb amateur. I was especially surprised to find out that bergamot is the bee-balm in my mother's garden... I learned many interesting things just from the bergamot page! The only thing I can complain about is not including a real-life picture of the plants on each page. It would have helped with identifying them. ( )
  booklove2 | Nov 16, 2016 |
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Herbs are all about living well, from enriching a meal to treating an illness. Sacred, almost mystical qualities have often been associated with their long history of curative and ritualistic practices. Today, as a wider variety becomes more accessible, and their properties receive more attention, we can benefit from a fuller understanding of the power of herbs.Herbarium explores the histories, associations, and uses of 100 herbs, as well as providing ideas for how each herb can be used to improve both food and well-being. Each entry features a specially commissioned illustration with texts that include the botanical name, place of origin, varieties, and areas where the herb is most commonly grown. The essence of each herb is explored in a brief history peppered with interesting anecdotes, complemented by suggestions of classic combinations and helpful tips for gardeners. A reference section includes advice on how to grow and keep herbs, herb-food pairings, and using herbs for health and beauty treatments.A contemporary reboot of the traditional herbarium, this book will expand readers' knowledge, improve culinary skills, and enhance their appreciation of the incredible world of tastes offered by herbs.

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