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Timeless Fracture (Fractal Saga) (Volume 1)…
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Timeless Fracture (Fractal Saga) (Volume 1) (2016. Auflage)

von Thaddaeus Alexander (Autor)

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Lummel and Jyotan used to lead normal lives nestled away in the forest city of Wenzolaf. Brothers in every sense but blood they had everything they could want: a wonderful home, great friends, beautiful scenery and peaceful lives. The untimely arrival of a stranger threatens to upset those lives and awakens in them latent abilities that are connected to the very essence of the world around them. Rhaegro, an Officer of a rival nation, sets into motion a series of events that will rock the very foundation of Elzdiroche. Having been exiled for helping their village avoid disaster, they set out on a journey of discovery. Hounded and enslaved by agents of The Order, a mysterious organization that has persisted since before recorded history, Lummel and Jyotan are pushed to their breaking point. With war looming on the horizon, how far will they go in order to find the answers they seek? Deception and conflict abound as they fight to uncover the truth, for their freedom and their very survival. What roles will the unsuspecting duo play in the coming storm, and why? One thing is certain: they will need to find out before it's too late, not just for them, but for all of Elzdiroche.… (mehr)
Titel:Timeless Fracture (Fractal Saga) (Volume 1)
Autoren:Thaddaeus Alexander (Autor)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2016), 316 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Timeless Fracture (Fractal Saga Book 1) von Thaddaeus Alexander

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Lummel and Jyotan used to lead normal lives nestled away in the forest city of Wenzolaf. Brothers in every sense but blood they had everything they could want: a wonderful home, great friends, beautiful scenery and peaceful lives. The untimely arrival of a stranger threatens to upset those lives and awakens in them latent abilities that are connected to the very essence of the world around them. Rhaegro, an Officer of a rival nation, sets into motion a series of events that will rock the very foundation of Elzdiroche. Having been exiled for helping their village avoid disaster, they set out on a journey of discovery. Hounded and enslaved by agents of The Order, a mysterious organization that has persisted since before recorded history, Lummel and Jyotan are pushed to their breaking point. With war looming on the horizon, how far will they go in order to find the answers they seek? Deception and conflict abound as they fight to uncover the truth, for their freedom and their very survival. What roles will the unsuspecting duo play in the coming storm, and why? One thing is certain: they will need to find out before it's too late, not just for them, but for all of Elzdiroche.

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