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Italian Street Food: Recipes From Italy's…
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Italian Street Food: Recipes From Italy's Bars and Hidden Laneways (2016. Auflage)

von Paola Bacchia (Autor)

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We're all familiar with Italy's classic recipes, but few are aware of the traditional dishes that come from a burgeoning street-food scene. Hidden behind the town squares, away from the touristy restaurants and down laneways are little-known gems offering up some of Italy's tastiest and best-kept secret dishes that the locals don't want you to know about. Italians are a social bunch who love to share, therefore it comes as no surprise that food is often prepared and shared on the streets and in the laneways. Italian Street Food is not just another Italian cookbook; it delves into these back streets to bring you some of Italy's most exciting food. Learn how to make authentic polpettine, arancini, stuffed cuttlefish, cannolis and fritters, and perfect your gelati-making skills with authentic Italian flavors such as lemon and basil, affogato and aperol and orange. With beautiful stories and photography throughout, Italian Street Food brings an old and much-loved cuisine into a whole new light.… (mehr)
Titel:Italian Street Food: Recipes From Italy's Bars and Hidden Laneways
Autoren:Paola Bacchia (Autor)
Info:Smith Street Books (2016), 272 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade
Tags:cookbook, italian, street food, general, bars


Italian Street Food: Recipes From Italy's Bars and Hidden Laneways von Paola Bacchia

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We're all familiar with Italy's classic recipes, but few are aware of the traditional dishes that come from a burgeoning street-food scene. Hidden behind the town squares, away from the touristy restaurants and down laneways are little-known gems offering up some of Italy's tastiest and best-kept secret dishes that the locals don't want you to know about. Italians are a social bunch who love to share, therefore it comes as no surprise that food is often prepared and shared on the streets and in the laneways. Italian Street Food is not just another Italian cookbook; it delves into these back streets to bring you some of Italy's most exciting food. Learn how to make authentic polpettine, arancini, stuffed cuttlefish, cannolis and fritters, and perfect your gelati-making skills with authentic Italian flavors such as lemon and basil, affogato and aperol and orange. With beautiful stories and photography throughout, Italian Street Food brings an old and much-loved cuisine into a whole new light.

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