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Reiki:: A Complete Guide to Real Reiki:How to Increase Vitality, Improve your Health and Feel Great (Reiki - Reiki Healing - Reiki Symbols - Reiki Books)

von Kristine Marie Corr

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What is Reiki and How would you be able to apply its principles throughout your life? Learn the basics today with this straightforward book. Are you looking for the immense power to miraculously heal yourself and people around you? Do you find yourself looking for unlimited power that helps you unlock the secrets to happiness and wellbeing? Looking for this complete guide and the power that ensures ample healing energy that runs through your hands and helps you ease physical pain as well as mental stress? This book is intelligently made for you. It contains the specifics and essentials of Reiki, its principles, and advantages for anyone who wants a complete guide to energy and wellbeing, success and healing. This book will give you a clear understanding on how Reiki will provide you with the magical ability to become your own spiritual doctor and hence work your own miracles.This book is all about bringing healing through compassion and unconditional love. So, is Reiki not something religious? Well, Reiki is immensely spiritual in nature. However, it is not considered a religion. In fact, it is often regarded as a form of alternative medicine. From a traditional standpoint Reiki means 'life force energy' or 'spiritual energy.' The word Reiki traces its origin in two words: 1. Rei implying universal and2. Ki implying life force or life energy. This is the energy that constitutes everything in this universe. Reiki practitioners use the five principles of Reiki in order to act as channels for healing energies. This healing energy typically flows through the practitioner's body, hands and then into the body where their hands are touching to help eradicate disease and misery using the power of unconditional love. The best part - practitioners can treat themselves too! By simply using the power of unconditional love that allows healing energies to flow through their hands. Excited to know and discover more? Let's get started.... After downloading this book you will learn What is Reiki Advantages of using Reki as a system of Healing The Five Reiki Principles The Three Pillars of Reiki Reiki Attunements The Seven Chakras and Reiki Meditation and Reiki Hand Positions for Healing Using the Power of Reiki to Attract Anything you Want And Much More Download your copy today… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonjoleenkoehly, Melissa71479, PMAuthor
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What is Reiki and How would you be able to apply its principles throughout your life? Learn the basics today with this straightforward book. Are you looking for the immense power to miraculously heal yourself and people around you? Do you find yourself looking for unlimited power that helps you unlock the secrets to happiness and wellbeing? Looking for this complete guide and the power that ensures ample healing energy that runs through your hands and helps you ease physical pain as well as mental stress? This book is intelligently made for you. It contains the specifics and essentials of Reiki, its principles, and advantages for anyone who wants a complete guide to energy and wellbeing, success and healing. This book will give you a clear understanding on how Reiki will provide you with the magical ability to become your own spiritual doctor and hence work your own miracles.This book is all about bringing healing through compassion and unconditional love. So, is Reiki not something religious? Well, Reiki is immensely spiritual in nature. However, it is not considered a religion. In fact, it is often regarded as a form of alternative medicine. From a traditional standpoint Reiki means 'life force energy' or 'spiritual energy.' The word Reiki traces its origin in two words: 1. Rei implying universal and2. Ki implying life force or life energy. This is the energy that constitutes everything in this universe. Reiki practitioners use the five principles of Reiki in order to act as channels for healing energies. This healing energy typically flows through the practitioner's body, hands and then into the body where their hands are touching to help eradicate disease and misery using the power of unconditional love. The best part - practitioners can treat themselves too! By simply using the power of unconditional love that allows healing energies to flow through their hands. Excited to know and discover more? Let's get started.... After downloading this book you will learn What is Reiki Advantages of using Reki as a system of Healing The Five Reiki Principles The Three Pillars of Reiki Reiki Attunements The Seven Chakras and Reiki Meditation and Reiki Hand Positions for Healing Using the Power of Reiki to Attract Anything you Want And Much More Download your copy today

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