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A Twist and Two Balls (With A Kick Book 1)…
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A Twist and Two Balls (With A Kick Book 1) (2014. Auflage)

von Clare London (Autor), Lou Harper (Illustrator)

Reihen: With a Kick (1)

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Eduardo Mancini is going to be a star of the London stage and screen. Or that was the plan. His alter ego Eddy March hasn't got further than the chorus and a bit part in a TV series. His parents aren't supportive, his agent can't place his particular skills, and he's finding it hard to hang onto his young dreams. Things go from bad to worse when he's late for an important audition, hasn't got enough money to pay the taxi fare, and is chased across the streets of Soho by the irate driver.Eddy reaches what he believes is sanctuary - With A Kick, a store where ice creams are blended with alcohol and imagination, and where his friends can help him. But Nuri the taxi driver is persistent in his steady pursuit, above and beyond the money he's owed. Despite their very different characters and background, Eddy and Nuri's relationship goes from a complete unknown to a wary balancing act. There are still mistakes to be made, and hurdles to clear. And both of them have to admit that their life so far hasn't gone the way they planned.But maybe being caught by Nuri was just what Eddy needed - both for his job and his heart.… (mehr)
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A Twist and Two Balls is the story of aspiring actor Eddy March and is told in third person through Eddy’s eyes.

The story begins with Eddy, stage name ‘Eduardo’, rushing to an audition and stuck in London traffic. He decides to foot it the rest of the way, but he also realizes he doesn’t have enough money to pay the cab driver, Nuri. Before Eddy can make a dash for it, Nuri stops him. Thus begins their relationship. Eddy is melodramatic, insecure, and a poor actor with severe stage fright, but good at mimicry. Nuri, is Turkish, calm, thoughtful, with a huge extended family and a secret. I could easily picture the characters and their personalities, the author also did a good job creating a warm atmosphere with Nuri’s huge extended family.

Most of the interaction took place at Nuri’s brothers’ restaurant, at the family home or at With a Kick, an ice cream shop with specialty ice creams. The descriptions of the atmosphere at the restaurant and the ice cream shop was very good.

The one thing I didn’t like about the story, was it was telling with a lot of monologue. Also, I noticed the author didn’t allow the reader to figure out what the characters were thinking or feeling for ourselves, or through showing us the behavior. We were always told by Eddy that he knew what someone was likely thinking about some behavior or mannerism. I felt cheated in I wasn’t allowed to figure it out myself or that the author was ‘dumbing down’ the story for the reader. I didn’t care for that. I don't know if it was this that made the story feel cobbled together. I don't want to use the word 'forced,' but at times scenes seemed too long or ideas were put into the book without a plan, as if the author wanted to make sure she reached a certain quota of words. Because the sentences or scenes didn't feel like they blended smoothly together.

Another problem I had with the story, is it’s supposed to be set in the UK, and the author is from London, but the words didn’t seem like it. It felt more like American English with a smattering of British words thrown in to remind readers that the location was in the UK.

The plot was simple, and centered mostly around Eddy and Nuri’s relationship over the course of two weeks. It seems rather fast, but the author made it believable. I think partly because Nuri seemed sure about their relationship, more than Eddy. The other sub-plot was Eddy’s desperation at finding acting jobs. If he didn't become a star, he’d end up a failure.

Lastly, I like the cover, it's eye-catching.

The story is a fast read with not really any angst and fade-to-black sex scenes. It’s a pleasant read and I don’t feel like I wasted my time, but I probably won’t read it again. I give A Twist and Two Balls, 3 Stars.

( )
  Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
So good. Sweet & funny with a great cast of secondary characters and two gorgeous leads. Only one question begs to be answered, where is this ice cream shop? ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Jul 26, 2021 |
So good. Sweet & funny with a great cast of secondary characters and two gorgeous leads. Only one question begs to be answered, where is this ice cream shop? ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Feb 24, 2021 |
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Eduardo Mancini is going to be a star of the London stage and screen. Or that was the plan. His alter ego Eddy March hasn't got further than the chorus and a bit part in a TV series. His parents aren't supportive, his agent can't place his particular skills, and he's finding it hard to hang onto his young dreams. Things go from bad to worse when he's late for an important audition, hasn't got enough money to pay the taxi fare, and is chased across the streets of Soho by the irate driver.Eddy reaches what he believes is sanctuary - With A Kick, a store where ice creams are blended with alcohol and imagination, and where his friends can help him. But Nuri the taxi driver is persistent in his steady pursuit, above and beyond the money he's owed. Despite their very different characters and background, Eddy and Nuri's relationship goes from a complete unknown to a wary balancing act. There are still mistakes to be made, and hurdles to clear. And both of them have to admit that their life so far hasn't gone the way they planned.But maybe being caught by Nuri was just what Eddy needed - both for his job and his heart.

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