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Sterling SAT Biology E/M Practice Questions: High Yield SAT Biology E/M Questions

von Sterling Test Prep

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Last updated August 1, 2017. Used books may have outdated content. We make content updates every 4-6 weeks based on customers' comments, editorial input and latest test changes. The most current version is only available directly from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Sterling Test Prep web store. SAT Biology best seller! 1,500+ biology practice questions with detailed explanations cover all topics tested on SAT Biology E/M: · Cellular and molecular biology · Ecology · Genetics · Organismal biology · Evolution This book provides over 1,500 biology practice questions that test your knowledge of all SAT Biology topics, both E and M formats. In the second part of the book, you will find answer keys and detailed explanations. These explanations discuss why the answer is correct and - more importantly - why another answer that may have seemed correct is the wrong choice. The explanations include the foundations and details of important science topics needed to answer related questions on the SAT. By reading these explanations carefully and understanding how they apply to solving the question, you will learn important biology concepts and the relationships between them. This will prepare you for the SAT Biology E/M test and will significantly improve your score. All the questions are prepared by our science editors who possess extensive credentials, are educated in top colleges and universities. Our editors are experts on teaching sciences, preparing students for standardized science tests and have coached thousands of undergraduate and graduate school applicants on admission strategies.… (mehr)

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Last updated August 1, 2017. Used books may have outdated content. We make content updates every 4-6 weeks based on customers' comments, editorial input and latest test changes. The most current version is only available directly from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Sterling Test Prep web store. SAT Biology best seller! 1,500+ biology practice questions with detailed explanations cover all topics tested on SAT Biology E/M: · Cellular and molecular biology · Ecology · Genetics · Organismal biology · Evolution This book provides over 1,500 biology practice questions that test your knowledge of all SAT Biology topics, both E and M formats. In the second part of the book, you will find answer keys and detailed explanations. These explanations discuss why the answer is correct and - more importantly - why another answer that may have seemed correct is the wrong choice. The explanations include the foundations and details of important science topics needed to answer related questions on the SAT. By reading these explanations carefully and understanding how they apply to solving the question, you will learn important biology concepts and the relationships between them. This will prepare you for the SAT Biology E/M test and will significantly improve your score. All the questions are prepared by our science editors who possess extensive credentials, are educated in top colleges and universities. Our editors are experts on teaching sciences, preparing students for standardized science tests and have coached thousands of undergraduate and graduate school applicants on admission strategies.

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