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Stevie & Mack

von A E Ryecart

Reihen: Barista Boys (2)

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Theft, capture, and an offer impossible to refuse-life can change in a heartbeat.When Stevie Allardyce is caught stealing food from Barista Boys, he doesn't think life can get any worse. Starving, desperate and homeless, Stevie's only crime is trying to survive another day.Mack Porter is outraged when the filthy street kid is offered a job and a place to live at the café. Stevie's a thief, caught red-handed, but it's not long before Mack's resolve to keep his distance crumbles as he falls under Stevie's gentle spell.Shared secrets bind them together. Two souls, once lost, find each other and discover life really can be full of hope, promise and love. But the street doesn't give up its own without a fight and Stevie is faced with a stark and heart wrenching choice: do what's demanded of him, or risk exposure? The life Stevie craves hangs in the balance, one wrong decision and he loses everything - including Mack. Stevie & Mack is the second book in the Barista Boys contemporary gay romance series.Each story charts the lives and loves of the men who work in a quirky little café in the heart of London's Soho: Barista Boys, where it's not just the coffee that's hot. A full length novel, approximately 62,000 words. Each book in the series can be read as a stand-alone.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMelanippe, princeei, gsc55
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Theft, capture, and an offer impossible to refuse-life can change in a heartbeat.When Stevie Allardyce is caught stealing food from Barista Boys, he doesn't think life can get any worse. Starving, desperate and homeless, Stevie's only crime is trying to survive another day.Mack Porter is outraged when the filthy street kid is offered a job and a place to live at the café. Stevie's a thief, caught red-handed, but it's not long before Mack's resolve to keep his distance crumbles as he falls under Stevie's gentle spell.Shared secrets bind them together. Two souls, once lost, find each other and discover life really can be full of hope, promise and love. But the street doesn't give up its own without a fight and Stevie is faced with a stark and heart wrenching choice: do what's demanded of him, or risk exposure? The life Stevie craves hangs in the balance, one wrong decision and he loses everything - including Mack. Stevie & Mack is the second book in the Barista Boys contemporary gay romance series.Each story charts the lives and loves of the men who work in a quirky little café in the heart of London's Soho: Barista Boys, where it's not just the coffee that's hot. A full length novel, approximately 62,000 words. Each book in the series can be read as a stand-alone.

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