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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books…
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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) (2017. Auflage)

von Billy Wong (Autor)

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732,429,096 (3.88)Keine
Titel:Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)
Autoren:Billy Wong (Autor)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, To Review, Lese gerade


Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) von Billy Wong

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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I received this box set and left reviews for each book individually but wanted to comment on the set itself. I truly enjoyed the series and fully recommend getting the box set. It's fast pace of nonstop action had me so engulfed in Rose's saga that I was happy to have the next books already in hand! Author Billy Wong's writing style reminded me to just enjoy a STORY for what it is, there are no limits to the imagination so why should an author limit what his characters can and cannot do?! Ready yourself for a unique world where speech may be modern but all else seems to be in the distant past and heroic characters can have super human strength and achieve seemingly impossible feats. Entertaining from start to finish!! ( )
  mtchrista | Mar 29, 2017 |
The Legend of Iron Bloom is an incredible fast moving, high energy series that you don’t want to put down. Now by condensing the first 4 books into 1 package, it will make it easier for the reader to keep reading! Billy Wong turns a plain old teenage girl into a powerhouse woman warrior who becomes a worldwide legend. Get ready for some bloody battle scenes! Rose learns to be as passionate in love as she is on the battlefield. The battles she faces with her sword are much easier than those she fights with her heart. Sometimes tears flow as much as blood. Don’t miss out on this fantastic read!!

Iron Bloom
Now a day when you think of a 15-year-old girl, you think of things like her preparing to get her driver's license, homecoming or braces. This is not even close to the life Rose leads. Once again, Billy Wong does a bang up job of creating a stronger than life female character. Rose is faced with having to be the bread winner after her father takes ill. Against her father’s wishes, Rose joins a law enforcement group, and it is not long before she exceeds everyone else in her group. In order to take care of her family, and her friends – Rose becomes a fearless mercenary, a living legend. Rose is constantly on the move, and has not been home for a long time. She wants nothing more than to leave this life of blood and death to return home, wishing to put things back the way they were. But Rose is more concerned that her family is suffering. Her family never tells her that things are okay, and she can return. Each battle she fights brings more wealth, fame, and betrayal. Her conscience is her constant companion, struggling to defeat all that is evil. During each of the numerous bloody battles - Rose receives many injuries that would kill anyone else. Like the scars that cover her father's sword and shield that she treasures, Rose bears her own battle scars both in and outside her massive frame.

Rose meets and falls in love with Ethan. She is done fighting, and wants only to go home, bringing Ethan along with her. Rose is shocked at what has happened to her home. Her father now well, has taken all the money she sent and has created a huge beautiful home. Only to show that not only do her friends betray her, but also now, her family. Once more, Rose is called to battle, this time to protect the town she loves so much. What does she chose? What will be the cost?

Iron Flower

Rose is back and the series just keeps getting better. Sadly, Rose’s love, Ethan, dies in the first book, as did many of the other men and women that she fought side by side with. Rose has lost so much to betrayal. She no longer wants to be a warrior, she wants to live quietly - but that dream is not to be. She uses her pain to become an even better warrior than before. This is not a repeat of the first book! Yes, there are tons of gory battles - but each one is different. The ethical issues she faced earlier are cloudier. Rose will need everything she has learned to face her new demons. Alongside with her new partner Finn, she now seeks what she fears the most. Magic. It is time to bring magic back into the world. Not everyone agrees with this. When the magic does start to come back, the costs are high.

It is not out of the ordinary for Rose to kill well over 100 men by herself in one single battle. Now there are other creatures to face. The hardest battle of all though, is Finn. We sometimes forget that Rose is a woman; she has the same wants and needs as any other woman out there. How does she compete for the love she so desires, and is Finn strong enough to be that love? Find out more in Book 3, Iron Bond.

Iron Bonds

Taken from the third book, this line says it all: "His mighty love, feminine and voluptuous though built more powerfully than most men, smiled though Finn could recognize a bit of sadness in her eyes when she spoke. 'I think I'm going to have to leave you for a while again. . .' ".

This book is packed full of excitement for Rose and the reader. You see Rose as a warrior, a friend, a child, a wife and yes, as a mother. Rose and Finn are so much in love, and it kills her to have to leave him. He wants her to stay and help as he learns to use the magic they have acquired. Finn has no choice but to continue his role as the first of the Magi, but this decision is costly. Rose learns she has to trust more people more often and rightfully so - it scares her.

Still has tons of battles, but they are not all with a sword. Rose does not win them all, and some of the losses are huge. You may get lost in Billy Wong's books, but you will not lose the story line. Check out Book 4 in the series, Iron Seeds

Iron Tears

Fights, Fury, Fantasy and Finn
This 4th book in the series starts out more of a fantasy type world than the other books. There is a battle with Ogres, and Finn, well Finn is a dragon, and he does not have the power to change himself back. Rose still loves Finn unconditionally, but can it last? Requests are sent to Rose to fight for the famous Count Brandon, but he wants more from her than her fighting skills. How long will she be able to fight him off, and does she really want to?

Rose faces challenge after challenge. Each time she is savagely wounded you have to wonder, will she survive this time? How many of her friends will survive? Nothing comes easy or cheap. Like the other books in this series, fast paced, easy to read. You cannot stop reading, but you do not want the series to end. Finally Book 5 - Iron Champion ( )
  CarolTilson | Mar 24, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This is a fantasy series. I only received part of this series for review. I didn't feel any strong emotion for the main character at all. I found she was too unbelievable. She took numerous sword strikes through her stomach and chest, some even twisting the sword, yet somehow she still lived. If the main character was somehow a superwoman or magic involved, I think this should have been mentioned up front. I found the story kind of become lost. The story just kept going and going. But it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Plus you just become used to certain people in the story and then they are all killed off. And you have to get used to another group of fighters. I would've liked to see her partner up with someone to fight alongside of. ( )
  somethingblanc | Mar 5, 2017 |
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