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Photographing Women: Posing, Lighting, and Shooting Techniques for Portrait and Fashion Photography

von Jeff Rojas

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Following up on the success of his first book, Photographing Men, photographer and author Jeff Rojas has created a companion book that covers everything you need to know about photographing women. Unlike so many other books on the market that focus on photographing women—which are often just a collection of images that show different posing and lighting setups—in Photographing Women: Posing, Lighting, and Shooting Techniques for Portrait and Fashion, Jeff actually teaches you what you need to know in order to create great images. In the book, Jeff first discusses the variety of face shapes and body types you’ll work with when photographing women. He then dives deeply into teaching you the posing, styling, and lighting techniques that will flatter your subjects and convey your intended message. In Photographing Women, you’ll learn: • How to identify different face shapes, and how to decide on makeup and lighting choices based on those shapes • The different body types that most women have—diamond, hourglass, rectangle, apple, etc.—and how best to flatter them • All about “perceived flaws”—such as love handles and double chins—and what to do about them • The difference between posing and directing your subjects • How to style your subject appropriately, depending on the type of shoot (portrait, boudoir, commercial, etc.) • How to pose your subject for standing, sitting, and lying poses • The lighting techniques you need to know in order to create beautiful, flattering light in your photos • And much more! In the final section of the book, covering lighting, Jeff brings it all together and provides 21 unique lighting setups, working through a series of shoots that cover portrait, commercial, and fashion photography.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonsarafreed, ArcaneAnvil, mwphotos, markjx, DCTCLibrary
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Following up on the success of his first book, Photographing Men, photographer and author Jeff Rojas has created a companion book that covers everything you need to know about photographing women. Unlike so many other books on the market that focus on photographing women—which are often just a collection of images that show different posing and lighting setups—in Photographing Women: Posing, Lighting, and Shooting Techniques for Portrait and Fashion, Jeff actually teaches you what you need to know in order to create great images. In the book, Jeff first discusses the variety of face shapes and body types you’ll work with when photographing women. He then dives deeply into teaching you the posing, styling, and lighting techniques that will flatter your subjects and convey your intended message. In Photographing Women, you’ll learn: • How to identify different face shapes, and how to decide on makeup and lighting choices based on those shapes • The different body types that most women have—diamond, hourglass, rectangle, apple, etc.—and how best to flatter them • All about “perceived flaws”—such as love handles and double chins—and what to do about them • The difference between posing and directing your subjects • How to style your subject appropriately, depending on the type of shoot (portrait, boudoir, commercial, etc.) • How to pose your subject for standing, sitting, and lying poses • The lighting techniques you need to know in order to create beautiful, flattering light in your photos • And much more! In the final section of the book, covering lighting, Jeff brings it all together and provides 21 unique lighting setups, working through a series of shoots that cover portrait, commercial, and fashion photography.

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