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Lädt ... Fallen Angel: Dawn of Reckoning (Blood Bound Origins Novella Book 1) (2017. Auflage)von J. L. Myers (Autor)
Werk-InformationenFallen Angel: Dawn of Reckoning (Blood Bound Origins Novella Book 1) von J. L. Myers
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Melde dich bei LibraryThing an um herauszufinden, ob du dieses Buch mögen würdest. Keine aktuelle Diskussion zu diesem Buch. o That's a version of WHY Lucifer was sent to Hell! i LOVED THAT Arch Angel, Michael had no love for Lucifer. I REALLY REALLY loved this novel and I felt sorrow for Gabriel, but now I WANT MORE! PLEASE SAY YES Ms. Meyers!! ( ) **I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected my opinion of the book or my review.** May contain spoilers* I liked and really enjoyed reading this book. Unfortunately, I have yet to read any of the other Blood Bound book series. Luckily, this book by J.L. Myers does not give any spoilers to the other books in the series. J.L. Myers wrote beautifully wrote about Lucifer's battle within himself to do good or evil. And Lucifer who is still angry with God for banishing him away from the Archangel Gabriel's side. It also shows a different side of the archangel Michael. He definitely isn't the way you would think an angel would be. The angel Gabriel believes Lucifer can be redeemed. She hopes, but once again Lucifer has the battle inside himself. I also liked that this book also gives you the origin of how the vampires came to be. I am looking forward to reading on in the series to see what happens in the series. I have to admit Fallen Angel caused a bit of a struggle with me due to certain subject matter. By no means am I staunchly "religious" and I do enjoy reading novels based on vampires. My struggle I realized was with author, J. L. Myers, ascription of acts and dialogue to specific archangels, some with some without God's approval, that didn't jibe with my beliefs. Having said that, crazy as it may sound, I do enjoy angel vs demon themes and if it had been generic (for lack of a better word) angels in general I would've been comfortable with that. All that being said Fallen Angel was well written and gave a unique premise for the creation of vampires. Freedom of expression is a right that should be held by all and while some may find this storyline taboo I applaud Myers for making me take a closer look at my spiritual beliefs versus books that I enjoy reading in the supernatural genre. I'll keep reading the genre but it was an unexpected yet interesting result that this novella had me taking a personal inventory into an area I hadn't considered before. I didn’t know what to expect when I started this book and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoy angels and demon books and this one didn’t disappoint. We see Lucifer's fall not into Hell but to Earth and how he uses our free will to force God to notice that humans are weak and not worthy of his forgiveness. No matter what Lucifer does God does not intervene and this leaves Lucifer no choice but to corrupt humans further, what he does finally forces God; and using other Archangels as a conduit for his power to finally send him into Hell. But will the love of another Archangel conquer Lucifer's heart and redeem his soul in the eyes of God? I guess I’ll have to continue the series to fulfil my curiosity, which I’ll definitely do. I received this book as an ARC in exchange for my honest review. This review may contain spoilers. The novella starts us out with the fall of Lucifer, God’s favorite arch angel. God cast Lucifer from Heaven for going against his views about his love of the human race, his creations. Lucifer sees them as vile creatures who squander God’s gift of free will, something Lucifer himself wants. Gabriel is the only one who wants to save Lucifer and make him come back to into God’s graces, but his love for Gabriel is not enough. J.L. Meyers takes us on a through the tale of how Lucifer fell from heaven and his fall into hell, creating some of the most terrifying monsters we know today. Meyer’s creates a dark story, showing not only the fall but Lucifer’s own feelings and transformations. This novella leaves you wanting to know, wishing it was a full novel. This book is well written with few errors, I had to read some passages of the book twice to understand them but that does nothing against the storytelling that happens and how the story grips into you and all you want is more. Zeige 5 von 5 keine Rezensionen | Rezension hinzufügen
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