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Chemistry of Magic: Unexpected Magic Book…
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Chemistry of Magic: Unexpected Magic Book Five (Volume 5) (2017. Auflage)

von Patricia Rice (Autor)

Reihen: Unexpected Magic (5)

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3114792,904 (4.03)Keine
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Diagnosed with consumption, Viscount "Devil" Dare knows his days are numbered. With his greedy cousin scheming to throw Dare's mother and sisters out of their home after his death, he can hardly refuse a mysterious lady's solution—wedding vows. Her lands would ensure his industrial success—and secure the future for those he loves. Bookish botanist Emilia McDowell desperately needs the land she will inherit once she marries. Her gift for the healing arts requires growing and experimenting with herbs if she's to save lives. When she learns that her funds would benefit handsome Lord Dare, who is said to be dying, she offers a marriage of convenience. But if Emilia touches Dare, her dangerous healing gift could kill her. As they learn to love under trying circumstances, Emilia longs to find the courage to be a true wife—until she discovers Dare's plans for her inheritance. Can love and marriage surmount death and betrayal?

.… (mehr)
Titel:Chemistry of Magic: Unexpected Magic Book Five (Volume 5)
Autoren:Patricia Rice (Autor)
Info:Book View Cafe (2017), 224 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Chemistry of Magic von Patricia Rice

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Another great addition to this series! I love all of these eccentric characters and their "gifts". There is always intrigue, humor, sexual tension and hot sex in these books along with a little bit of magic. They are witty and informative. You get an idea of how it was to live in those times and the politics of the times. Very interesting and entertaining.

I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.
( )
  KathyC200 | Mar 22, 2020 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I had to keep reading to find out what would happen next. A great read. ( )
  magician56 | Jun 4, 2018 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
When Emilia proposes marriage to Lord Dare, who is dying of presumed consumption, neither of them expect it to be for long. But his mother and sisters need a home, and Emilia can only access her inheritance if she marries. Emilia is a devoted student of medical botany. She also has the Malcolm family trait of magic; in her case, she cannot touch anyone without deeply feeling their emotions and pain, even to the point of death. Dare studies chemistry. Together, they track down the mystery of what is causing Dare's illness, and overcome other obstacles. Various parts of the Malcolm family are drawn in, making a delightful, interesting story. ( )
  dolphari | Jan 18, 2018 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I received this book free from LibraryThing. I don't usually go for the fantasy/magic type books, but I enjoyed this story about the Magical Malcoms and Lord Dare. I look forward to reading more from this author. ( )
  Sheila.L | Oct 9, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
A marriage of convenience becomes a convergence of intellect, intelligence and home grown magic passed down through the Malcomb family's female offspring who are natural healers. I will look for more of Patricia Rice's books based on this experience. ( )
  Seaside-Reader | Sep 5, 2017 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Diagnosed with consumption, Viscount "Devil" Dare knows his days are numbered. With his greedy cousin scheming to throw Dare's mother and sisters out of their home after his death, he can hardly refuse a mysterious lady's solution—wedding vows. Her lands would ensure his industrial success—and secure the future for those he loves. Bookish botanist Emilia McDowell desperately needs the land she will inherit once she marries. Her gift for the healing arts requires growing and experimenting with herbs if she's to save lives. When she learns that her funds would benefit handsome Lord Dare, who is said to be dying, she offers a marriage of convenience. But if Emilia touches Dare, her dangerous healing gift could kill her. As they learn to love under trying circumstances, Emilia longs to find the courage to be a true wife—until she discovers Dare's plans for her inheritance. Can love and marriage surmount death and betrayal?


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