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Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead by L. Ron Hubbard - Tomb Raider of Alexander the Great's Lost Treasure (Historical Fiction Short Stories Collection)

von L. Ron Hubbard

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Before Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark were even a gleam in Spielberg's eye, one intrepid pilot flew out of the sky in search of treasure . . . only to find a bit of hell on earth. Captain Gordon lives like he flies--by the seat of his pants, taking on any job and all comers.  Now he's bound for the forbidding mountains along the shores of the Arabian Sea, transporting a team of anthropologists on the trail of Alexander the Great.  But ancient history is about to come to dangerous life with the discovery of a long-buried map--a map leading to high adventure, untold treasure, and cold-blooded murder. . . . Gordon's headed deep into The Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead--unearthing a secret that could bury him. Not only was Hubbard steeped in the history of the ancient world, he was also an avid adventurer--both in his own right and as a respected member of the famed Explorers Club.  As such, he brought a wealth of insight, experience and authenticity to all his tales of adventure.  Also includes two additional adventures: The Price of a Hat, in which the key to the Russian Czar's life is hidden in a most unexpected place, and Starch and Stripes, the story of a U.S. Marine who sets a trap for a tropical warlord that reverberates all the way back to Washington. "An exciting story told at a brisk clip, with characters and dialogue that keep readers glued to the page: Hubbard at his best." --Booklist * An International Book Awards Winner… (mehr)
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Before Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark were even a gleam in Spielberg's eye, one intrepid pilot flew out of the sky in search of treasure . . . only to find a bit of hell on earth. Captain Gordon lives like he flies--by the seat of his pants, taking on any job and all comers.  Now he's bound for the forbidding mountains along the shores of the Arabian Sea, transporting a team of anthropologists on the trail of Alexander the Great.  But ancient history is about to come to dangerous life with the discovery of a long-buried map--a map leading to high adventure, untold treasure, and cold-blooded murder. . . . Gordon's headed deep into The Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead--unearthing a secret that could bury him. Not only was Hubbard steeped in the history of the ancient world, he was also an avid adventurer--both in his own right and as a respected member of the famed Explorers Club.  As such, he brought a wealth of insight, experience and authenticity to all his tales of adventure.  Also includes two additional adventures: The Price of a Hat, in which the key to the Russian Czar's life is hidden in a most unexpected place, and Starch and Stripes, the story of a U.S. Marine who sets a trap for a tropical warlord that reverberates all the way back to Washington. "An exciting story told at a brisk clip, with characters and dialogue that keep readers glued to the page: Hubbard at his best." --Booklist * An International Book Awards Winner

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