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Abby in Wonderland (Whatever After Special…
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Abby in Wonderland (Whatever After Special Edition #1) (1) (2018. Auflage)

von Sarah Mlynowski (Autor)

Reihen: Whatever After (Special Edition 1)

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Down the rabbit hole ... I'm spending the day with my best friends, Frankie and Robin, and -UGH- snobby Penny. I'm not expecting anything magical to happen, until Frankie falls into a mysterious hole behind Penny's house ... and we all wind up in the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! I've visited fairy tales before. But in Wonderland, everything is topsy-turvy. There are potions that make you grow, cakes that make you shrink, bossy caterpillars, and a horrible Queen of Hearts who wants to put us on trial. Now we have to: - Solve a riddle from the Cheshire cat - Attend a wacky tea party with the Mad Hatter - Become BFFs with Alice - And find Frankie ... Or we'll be stuck in Wonderland for good! This special edition is extra-long, extra-enchanting, and comes with puzzles, games, and a Q&A with the author!.… (mehr)
Titel:Abby in Wonderland (Whatever After Special Edition #1) (1)
Autoren:Sarah Mlynowski (Autor)
Info:Scholastic Inc. (2018), Edition: Special ed., 256 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Noch zu lesen


Abby in Wonderland von Sarah Mlynowski

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{My thoughts} – I think I was more excited then my daughter to receive this book. I am a huge fan of these fairytale re-tellings. I zipped through it rather quickly.

In this book Abby gets to go down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland. She doesn’t get to go with Jonah, but instead her three friends go with her. She tries to convince them that it’s all a dream but that doesn’t work out for her, in the end she ends up admitting that she story hops a lot but usually only with her brother Jonah.

They have a nice little adventure where the four girls learn more and more about one another. Many of the things they’d had no idea about. It’s amazing how much you can learn about others if you take the time to get to know them. And that’s exactly what Abby was doing getting to know all the girls.

Once everything was said and done Abby came to the realization that she’s not only able to go into fairy tales, but that she can also go into story books. By being able to go into story books it opens up a whole new line of possibilities for this series. I look forward to seeing where the author is going with this.

I highly recommend this book for any child that enjoys fairy tales and loves classic books. I’m sure that Abby will be going on many more adventures in the future. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
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Whatever After (Special Edition 1)
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Down the rabbit hole ... I'm spending the day with my best friends, Frankie and Robin, and -UGH- snobby Penny. I'm not expecting anything magical to happen, until Frankie falls into a mysterious hole behind Penny's house ... and we all wind up in the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! I've visited fairy tales before. But in Wonderland, everything is topsy-turvy. There are potions that make you grow, cakes that make you shrink, bossy caterpillars, and a horrible Queen of Hearts who wants to put us on trial. Now we have to: - Solve a riddle from the Cheshire cat - Attend a wacky tea party with the Mad Hatter - Become BFFs with Alice - And find Frankie ... Or we'll be stuck in Wonderland for good! This special edition is extra-long, extra-enchanting, and comes with puzzles, games, and a Q&A with the author!.

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