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The Problem with the Blacks

von Angel Azizi

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The Problem with the Blacks, is a collection of powerful essays that tackle the painful truth of why the black race remain at the bottom when it comes to social, political and economic power in America and around the world: Themselves. In this collection of critical, electrifying essays:  1) problems plaguing the black community are identified 2) practical solutions to reverse the slave mentality are presented3) key strategies to build a new black nation are introduced This ultimate self-help guide teaches black people of the African Diaspora how to break down and defeat the system of racism and white supremacy.  This is accomplished by revealing how the black race have been contributing to their own oppression, reversing their mindset though self-awareness, and proposing a roadmap for them to follow that will lead to the building of a united and economically strong, new black nation.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMelissiaLenox
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The Problem with the Blacks, is a collection of powerful essays that tackle the painful truth of why the black race remain at the bottom when it comes to social, political and economic power in America and around the world: Themselves. In this collection of critical, electrifying essays:  1) problems plaguing the black community are identified 2) practical solutions to reverse the slave mentality are presented3) key strategies to build a new black nation are introduced This ultimate self-help guide teaches black people of the African Diaspora how to break down and defeat the system of racism and white supremacy.  This is accomplished by revealing how the black race have been contributing to their own oppression, reversing their mindset though self-awareness, and proposing a roadmap for them to follow that will lead to the building of a united and economically strong, new black nation.

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