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Parkett no. 64: Rodney Graham, Olafur Eliasson, Tom Freidman

von Olafur Eliasson

Reihen: Parkett (64)

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Presenting unique and in-depth collaborations and editions with leading contemporary artists, Parkett has been the foremost international journal on contemporary art for nearly two decades. Issue No. 63 features collaborations with Tracey Emin, William Kentridge, and Gregor Schneider, three artists whose highly personal works affect viewers in an evocative manner, yet through strikingly different means. Emin bares her soul from the inside out, in her confessional multimedia photographs, drawings, videos, and installations. Kentridge's highly-charged films, drawings, sculptures, and theatrical productions analyze the history of his native South Africa and the implications and legacy of apartheid. And finally, Schneider's inside-out abodes turn the seemingly cozy and reassuring context of "home" into a haunting maze of opened and closed rooms, claustrophobic corridors and tunnels, and impenetrable windows and doors. Each of these artists draws us into their private worlds, diminishing the boundaries between artist and audience.… (mehr)
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Parkett (64)
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Presenting unique and in-depth collaborations and editions with leading contemporary artists, Parkett has been the foremost international journal on contemporary art for nearly two decades. Issue No. 63 features collaborations with Tracey Emin, William Kentridge, and Gregor Schneider, three artists whose highly personal works affect viewers in an evocative manner, yet through strikingly different means. Emin bares her soul from the inside out, in her confessional multimedia photographs, drawings, videos, and installations. Kentridge's highly-charged films, drawings, sculptures, and theatrical productions analyze the history of his native South Africa and the implications and legacy of apartheid. And finally, Schneider's inside-out abodes turn the seemingly cozy and reassuring context of "home" into a haunting maze of opened and closed rooms, claustrophobic corridors and tunnels, and impenetrable windows and doors. Each of these artists draws us into their private worlds, diminishing the boundaries between artist and audience.

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