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Anne Frank von Yona Zeldis McDonough
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Anne Frank (1997. Auflage)

von Yona Zeldis McDonough, Malcah Zeldis (Illustrator)

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9622291,914 (3.87)Keine
Traces the life of a Jewish girl who chronicled her day-to-day life in a diary as she hid in an attic in Nazi-occupied Holland for two years.
Titel:Anne Frank
Autoren:Yona Zeldis McDonough
Weitere Autoren:Malcah Zeldis (Illustrator)
Info:Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) (1997), Hardcover, 32 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:1-5, History, Non-Fiction


Anne Frank von Yona Zeldis McDonough

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Anne Frank was a Jew who lived in Germany at the time of the Holocaust. Because of this, her family had to move into hiding, which she called the "secret annex." Since there wasn't much for Anne to do, Anne spent a lot of time writing in her diary, which she named Kitty. She dreamed that one day her words would be read all over the world. Eventually, the family was discovered and the family was sent to a concentration camp. After the war ended, Anne's father was the only one of the family to survive. When he returned to the secret annex and found Anne's diary, he decided it should be published and so it was. Anne's dream of her words being read all over the world finally came true.
I love the different messages that this book delivers to children. One message this book conveys is that you should remain brave and strong through hard times, just like Anne did. Another message this book conveys is that your dreams can come true, just like Anne's did. ( )
  m.curtis | Jan 21, 2020 |
Anne Frank was a teenager in Germany during the time of Hitler. Since it was not a safe place to live, Anne and her family moved into a hidden apartment so they wouldn't be found by the Nazi. Throughout her family's time of hiding, Anne began to write stories in her diary about the things her and her family were going through. One day, her family was discovered and sent to a concentration camp. Anne Frank did not make it out of the concentration camp. She had a dream to become a writer and that dream came true when her diary was found after the war ended. The story of Anne Frank brings the reader through the hard times that Anne and her family faced. From when Anne was a little girl until the day she passed, times were hard. I believe this story is accurate about what happened during the time of Anne Frank. I liked this story because it shows that even during hard times, there are still things that can help you through it. Anne was able to face these hard times because she had friends and family by her side. ( )
  H_Miller | Jan 17, 2020 |
In the beginning of this book there is a list of important dates that you will later read about in the book and find out why they were important. I found this very interesting and I’ve never read a book that had that before. I think this is good for children and makes them aware of the dates and how important they are as they read the book, they begin to recognize these dates. I also loved the illustrations in the book, I loved how it looks like children drew them. This book was about Anne Frank and what her family and her went through. At a young age Anne and her family had to go into hiding because of the Nazi soldiers, and the concentration camps from Aldof Hitler. For Anne’s 13th birthday, she got a diary and this dairy will soon become very important in telling what happened to Anne and her family during this time period. I never knew that the building that Anne and her family hid in, is now a museum that you can visit. Anne’s father was also the only one in their family that survived this tragedy. The subjects of biographies are important because without Anne’s diary and other important factors, we would’ve never known some of the things that happened during this time period. ( )
  nmhoward | Oct 18, 2019 |
This book tells the story of the life of Anne Frank. It tells of how her family had to move from Germany in fear of execution because of their Jewish faith. They then had to go into hiding so that they would not be brought to concentration camps. Their secret annex was found and raided by the Nazi's, and they were brought to concentration camps. her mother passed away from illness, her sister followed and later Anne Frank passed as well. This book gave the information needed. I feel as though because of the situations in the book there is no way to make it positive. It was very informative and directly gave the information we need to understand the story of Anne Frank. ( )
  SLAdams | Feb 1, 2018 |
The book I read was about Anne Frank. One important thing I learned about Anne was the building she and her family hid in is now a museum. Some interesting facts, Anne was born in Frankfurt, Germany and is a Jew. Anne writes to an imaginary friend named Kitty in her diary. On July 12, 1942, her and her family move to the secret annex to hid from the Germans. August 4, 1944, Anne and the others were arrested in the annex. Anne's father was the only one from the secret annex who survived. He is the one that decided her diary should be published. The details in the story were accurate. The author wrote this story in chronological order. ( )
  lsalone | Jan 24, 2018 |
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Traces the life of a Jewish girl who chronicled her day-to-day life in a diary as she hid in an attic in Nazi-occupied Holland for two years.

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