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English for academic study : Pronunciation

von Jonathan Smith

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English for Academic Study: Pronunciation This fully updated 2012 edition of English for Academic Study: Pronunciation will help you develop the pronunciation skills you need to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment. The units are based on the following topics: Vowel sounds 1, word stress and weak forms Vowel sounds 2, word stress patterns Consonant sounds 1, sentence stress Consonant sounds 2, word stress on two-syllable words Diphthongs 1, sounds in connected speech Consonant clusters 1, tone units 1 Diphthongs 2, tone units 2 Consonant clusters 2, intonation Each unit explores a key aspect of English pronunciation, for example, the pronunciation of individual sounds, syllables and word stress patterns. The written and listening texts, which focus on key academic vocabulary, will allow you to practise your pronunciation so that you can be understood with ease. EAS: Pronunciation includes unit summaries to give you a quick overview of what you have covered, and a comprehensive glossary of terms. Each unit also has weblinks offering additional information and activities, relating to both pronunciation skills and the topics covered in the units. This book can be used in conjunction with the following books in the English for Academic Study (EAS) series, also published by Garnet Education: EAS: Reading, EAS: Writing, EAS: Extended Writing & Research Skills, EAS: Speaking, EAS: Vocabulary, EAS: Listening and EAS: Grammar for Writing.… (mehr)
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English for Academic Study: Pronunciation This fully updated 2012 edition of English for Academic Study: Pronunciation will help you develop the pronunciation skills you need to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment. The units are based on the following topics: Vowel sounds 1, word stress and weak forms Vowel sounds 2, word stress patterns Consonant sounds 1, sentence stress Consonant sounds 2, word stress on two-syllable words Diphthongs 1, sounds in connected speech Consonant clusters 1, tone units 1 Diphthongs 2, tone units 2 Consonant clusters 2, intonation Each unit explores a key aspect of English pronunciation, for example, the pronunciation of individual sounds, syllables and word stress patterns. The written and listening texts, which focus on key academic vocabulary, will allow you to practise your pronunciation so that you can be understood with ease. EAS: Pronunciation includes unit summaries to give you a quick overview of what you have covered, and a comprehensive glossary of terms. Each unit also has weblinks offering additional information and activities, relating to both pronunciation skills and the topics covered in the units. This book can be used in conjunction with the following books in the English for Academic Study (EAS) series, also published by Garnet Education: EAS: Reading, EAS: Writing, EAS: Extended Writing & Research Skills, EAS: Speaking, EAS: Vocabulary, EAS: Listening and EAS: Grammar for Writing.

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