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Barcelona: 10 Locals Tell You Where to Go, What to Eat, and How to Fit In

von Gigi Griffis

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"I wish every country had a guide like this!" - LouLou of the Chez LouLou blogWant to experience Barcelona as only a local could?This guide's for you.Filled with 100 interviews with people who live, work, and adventure in and around Barcelona, this book will give you: Directions to those hidden-away tapas bars that are always packed with locals and rarely see a tourist Lists of must-try dishes and wines (and where to find them) Unique and interesting day trip suggestions Tips for how to make friends, avoid rip-offs and pick-pockets, and fit in with the local culture And so much more It's time to experience authentic, local Barcelona-through the eyes of those who have lived there for years.… (mehr)
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"I wish every country had a guide like this!" - LouLou of the Chez LouLou blogWant to experience Barcelona as only a local could?This guide's for you.Filled with 100 interviews with people who live, work, and adventure in and around Barcelona, this book will give you: Directions to those hidden-away tapas bars that are always packed with locals and rarely see a tourist Lists of must-try dishes and wines (and where to find them) Unique and interesting day trip suggestions Tips for how to make friends, avoid rip-offs and pick-pockets, and fit in with the local culture And so much more It's time to experience authentic, local Barcelona-through the eyes of those who have lived there for years.

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