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Deadly Brew (Dewberry Farm Mysteries Book 3)…
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Deadly Brew (Dewberry Farm Mysteries Book 3) (2017. Auflage)

von Karen MacInerney (Autor)

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374685,210 (3.81)1
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Two witches, one haunted house . . . and a dash of murder. Will Lucy find the killer in time? Or will she be Buttercup's next resident ghost? It's Halloween in Buttercup, Texas, and reporter-turned-farmer Lucy Resnick is up to her ears in more than goats and wayward cows. Not only has her well dried up, but it turns out the old house Lucy recently moved to has a reputation for spooks . . . and they are disturbingly active. Then a tarot card reading at a local mead winery foretells death . . . and minutes later, exotic game ranch owner Bug Wharton goes belly-up. Cause of death? Murder, by a fatal dose of bee venom. When the dimwitted sheriff fingers local witch and mead winery owner Serafine Alexandre, Lucy gets involved . . . and soon discovers that all kinds of things are brewing in Buttercup. And some of them are deadly.… (mehr)
Titel:Deadly Brew (Dewberry Farm Mysteries Book 3)
Autoren:Karen MacInerney (Autor)
Info:Gray Whale Press (2017), 256 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:cozy mystery


Deadly Brew von Karen MacInerney

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Lucy Resnick used to be an investigative reporter in Houston, Texas, but moved to the small town of Buttercup and purchased her grandmother's old farm and now has a new life. Unfortunately, that new life isn't without problems. Fraught with a well run dry, an old small historical home on her property that may be haunted, and the idea of a mythical creature called a Chupacabra killing livestock, she takes a break to attend a Halloween gathering at a local mead winery run by a new friend., Seraphine, who's also reputed to be a witch.

But shortly after someone predicts death, Seraphine and exotic game ranch owner Bug Wharton have words, after which his brother runs in stating Bug is dying -- and they discover that he's been bitten by a bee, which he's allergic to. When it's discovered Bug has been murdered, the sheriff -- who's known to take the easy way out -- arrests Seraphine for the murder. But Lucy and her friends have other ideas, and Lucy sets about finding a killer. Now all she has to do is try and stay under the radar...

This is the third book in the series and I really enjoyed the first two. Having a penchant for "reading the season," as it were, I wanted to read this because it takes place at Halloween. However, it has very little to do with Halloween, and the holiday is really only mentioned in passing. Just sayin'

Anyway, Lucy has a lot of troubles this time out, but spends most of her time trying to solve the murder instead of thinking of ways to save her farm, more or less depending on friends to help. Which is fine and dandy, but you'd think she would have known how much it really takes to run a farm, and had more savings than she did. What is she going to do if there is another problem? Maybe she can write articles online for a newspaper or something to make extra money...

Anyway, once Lucy starts investigating, she enlists the help of her beau, veterinarian Tobias, and together they discover things they'd rather not; and when a local farmhand is attacked, they know that they're getting closer to the truth.

When the ending comes and the killer is revealed, I pretty much had it figured out by this point; it was just waiting to see how Lucy put it together that finished it. However, the ending was done nicely and I will continue to read this series. ( )
  joannefm2 | Oct 18, 2021 |
A fun fall theme. ( )
  xKayx | Dec 14, 2020 |
Deadly Brew is the third book in the Dewberry Farm Mysteries series.

Running Dewberry Farm on a tight budget, Lucy is dismayed when she learns that she needs to have a new well drilled. The dry well couldn’t have come at a worse time as she has just planted a Fall crop of broccoli and the plants won’t last long without water.

Quinn Sloane, owner of the Blue Onion cafe, hoping to take Lucy’s mind off her dilemma, reminds her at tonight is the first annual Witches’ Ball to be held at the Honeyed Moon Mead Winery.

That evening Lucy and Quinn meet up with their boyfriends, Tobias and Peter, to have an enjoyable evening out. The ball is being held to benefit rescued animals that Serafine, owner of Honeyd Moon, cares for. Peter is finally convinced to have the Tarot Cards read by Aimee, sister of Serafine. The final card dealt is the Grim Reaper or “death card”, but Aimee comments that it doesn’t always mean death. But Teena Marburger, who is reputed to have “the sight,” says that yes, someone will die.

After the reading, they head over to where Serafine is selling her Honeyed Mead and she is having a heated talk with Bug Wharton, owner of an exotic game ranch. The discussion centers around Wharton’s ranch and the unnecessary shooting of animals on his ranch. Bug finishes his drink and leaves, heading for his truck. Minutes later Mitch comes running and calling for help for his brother. Lucy and her friends immediately head for the truck and Tobias believes he is suffering from a bee sting, which is confirmed when Bug wants the EpiPen that is in the glove box. Peter find the EpiPen and gives to Tobias who administers what is hoped to be the life-saving dose. But it is not to be and Bug passes away a short time later.

As Sheriff Rooster Kocurek begins to investigate the scene and interview the people at the scene, he is confident that this will be an open and shut case. He has targeted Serafine and Peter. But Lucy feels that Rooster isn’t looking at all the facts and with Tobias’ help they set off to do their own investigation. They feel that the ranch is where the investigation needs to head. When an office at the ranch is burned and the attempted murder of the farm manager, they are sure they are on the right path.

This is another well-plotted and written story from Maren MacInerney with enjoyable and believable characters.

Recipes are also included with the book.

I’m looking forward to the next book in the story. ( )
  FredYoder | Sep 19, 2017 |
Deadly Brew by Karen MacInerney is the third chapter in A Dewberry Farm Mystery series. Lucy Resnick owns Dewberry Farm in Buttercup, Texas. It has been a dry summer with no rain for the last five months, and now Lucy’s well has run dry. She needs to find a way to get water for her animals, plants and herself. Tonight, though, Lucy is off to Buttercup’s first Witches’ Ball at Honeyed Moon Mead Winery owned by Serafine Alexandre. They are enjoying the festivities including tarot reading when a scream rings out. They run over to find Bug Wharton, owner of the controversial Safari Exotic Game Ranch, struggling to breathe in his truck. They administer the requested Epi-Pen, but Bug fails to survive. Sheriff Rooster Kocurek quickly zeros in on Serafine as the guilty party (because she is Wiccan). Lucy knows Serafine did not harm Bug and starts hunting for the killer. Reports are coming in about a supposed Chupacabra on the loose. Animals are being harmed and the descriptions of the beast are varied. To add to Lucy’s already full plate, the old Ulrich farmhouse that Lucy rescued appears to be haunted and Quinn’s abusive ex has returned to town. And Lucy thought life in Buttercup would be relaxing! Join Lucy for a Halloween adventure in Deadly Brew!

Deadly Brew is nicely written, has a good pace, and a lovely setting. It contains quirky, fun characters that readers will enjoy getting to know and spend time with in each A Dewberry Farm Mystery. I do not recommend starting with Deadly Brew (you might be a little lost in the beginning). It is best to read the series in order. There are some details missing from Deadly Brew (why Rooster is sheriff for example—isn’t it time for an election). My rating for Deadly Brew is 4 out of 5 stars (I liked it). The mystery is clever and many people will be surprised with the outcome. I appreciated the paranormal elements in the story. I hope we see more of it in the future books in the series. There is some repetition of information regarding the main mystery, the goats (one is named Hot Lips), lack of rain and the exotic game ranch. There are recipes for the dishes and drink mentioned in the story at the end of the book. Deadly Brew is an entertaining and action packed cozy mystery that will put you in the Halloween spirit. I look forward to the next installment in A Dewberry Farm Mystery series. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Sep 6, 2017 |
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Karen MacInerneyHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
White, KarenErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Two witches, one haunted house . . . and a dash of murder. Will Lucy find the killer in time? Or will she be Buttercup's next resident ghost? It's Halloween in Buttercup, Texas, and reporter-turned-farmer Lucy Resnick is up to her ears in more than goats and wayward cows. Not only has her well dried up, but it turns out the old house Lucy recently moved to has a reputation for spooks . . . and they are disturbingly active. Then a tarot card reading at a local mead winery foretells death . . . and minutes later, exotic game ranch owner Bug Wharton goes belly-up. Cause of death? Murder, by a fatal dose of bee venom. When the dimwitted sheriff fingers local witch and mead winery owner Serafine Alexandre, Lucy gets involved . . . and soon discovers that all kinds of things are brewing in Buttercup. And some of them are deadly.

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