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Too small to see, too big to ignore : child health and well-being in British Columbia

von Leslie T. Foster

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Politically and economically, children are too small to see. They can't vote, rarely protest, don't contribute to political parties, nor are they highly organized and vocal. Yet they represent the future. The increasing percentage of children living in poverty in British Columbia and in Canada indicates that we are not fulfilling our obligations toward future generations.These essays analyse the problems of children and prescribe solutions to them. They include discussions of the ecology of children's health, the value of early intervention, and sudden infant death syndrome. Attention is directed also toward children in the care of the Province of British Columbia, child welfare, and child-serving systems. Other essays focus on adolescent development and behaviour including those our social service and mental health programs have failed. The volume concludes with comments on the implications of current government policy changes for those who are too small to see yet too big too ignore.… (mehr)
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Politically and economically, children are too small to see. They can't vote, rarely protest, don't contribute to political parties, nor are they highly organized and vocal. Yet they represent the future. The increasing percentage of children living in poverty in British Columbia and in Canada indicates that we are not fulfilling our obligations toward future generations.These essays analyse the problems of children and prescribe solutions to them. They include discussions of the ecology of children's health, the value of early intervention, and sudden infant death syndrome. Attention is directed also toward children in the care of the Province of British Columbia, child welfare, and child-serving systems. Other essays focus on adolescent development and behaviour including those our social service and mental health programs have failed. The volume concludes with comments on the implications of current government policy changes for those who are too small to see yet too big too ignore.

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