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River of Blue Fire (Otherland, Volume 2) von…
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River of Blue Fire (Otherland, Volume 2) (Original 1998; 1999. Auflage)

von Tad Williams (Autor)

Reihen: Otherland (2)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
3,520233,779 (3.93)43
Second book in New York Times-bestselling author Tad Williams's cyberpunk fantasy series * "Tad Williams is the brightest and best of the fantasists." ―Neil Gaiman, author of American Gods  Otherland. In many ways it is humankind's most stunning achievement: a private, multidimensional universe built over two generations by the greatest minds of the twenty-first century. But this most exclusive of places is also one of the world's best kept secrets, created and controlled by an organization made up of the world's most powerful and ruthless individuals, a private cartel known--to those who know of their existence at all--as The Grail Brotherhood. Though their purpose in creating Otherland is still a mystery, it may not remain so for long. For they have exacted a terrible price from humanity in the process, and even their highly organized global conspiracy cannot hide the nature of their crimes forever. And now a small band of adventurers has penetrated the veil of secrecy that prevents the uninitiated from entering Otherland. But having broken into the amazing worlds within worlds that make up this universe, they are trapped, unable to escape back to their own flesh-and-blood bodies in the real world. And as dangers and circumstances split their party into small, widely scattered groups, their only hope of reuniting lies in returning again and again to the River that flows--in one form or another--through all the worlds. But the odds seem to be completely against them as they--and the one outsider with whom they might join forces--become hopelessly lost in realms where an Ice Age tribe's fears can only be quenched in blood...where insects are as large and deadly as dinosaurs...where they are caught in the war between a man made of straw and one made of tin...where cartoon ads take on a life of their own...where humans strive to survive in the aftermath of an alien invasion...and where one among their party is actually The Grail Brotherhood's most terrifying weapon--a sociopathic killer who has never failed and whose current mission is to make certain that not even one member of this little invasion force lives long enough to reveal the truth about Otherland to the people of Earth...… (mehr)
Titel:River of Blue Fire (Otherland, Volume 2)
Autoren:Tad Williams (Autor)
Info:DAW (1999), 704 pages
Sammlungen:SF and Fantasy


Fluss aus blauem Feuer von Tad Williams (1998)

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Almost 5 stars, but went with 4.
This series is building nicely. Bit of a "who is the spy?" that only gets revealed in the last few of the 800 pages.
Little pieces slowly being revealed but still no real idea about how its all going to look moving forward. ( )
  stubooks | Apr 4, 2024 |
The book is just as much of a mess as its predecessor, City of Golden Shadow, but just as much fun as well. Trapped within a sinister virtual-reality universe, the frazzled protagonists bounce between pulpy scenarios: Neanderthal hunting parties, giant insects, totalitarian regimes in The Wizard of Oz, living logos and trademarks, the alternate bad ending to H.G. Well's War of the Worlds, Xanadu, Renaissance Venice, and cast-off gods in Ancient Egypt. It's all too much, but the book's very excesses are what make it so great. ( )
  proustbot | Jun 19, 2023 |
This book, volume two of the Otherland series, is set almost exclusively in the Otherland network. It would probably be a great book for someone who likes to read descriptions about different worlds where characters have interesting, but largely non-plot-moving or character-developing adventures, and I did enjoy it. However, I eventually started to get a little tired of it (the book is 675 pages). If you divide fiction into the four rough categories of character developing, plot developing, idea developing, and place developing I tend to prefer them in that order. That said, the end of the book started getting good; there was character development and plot!
  eri_kars | Jul 10, 2022 |
I took a while to get through this book. It is a bit of a filler compared to the first one but I started to like the characters much more. Things definitely start to make a lot more sense here but there is still a bunch of unsolved mysteries which keep me excited for the third and the fourth book. ( )
  hafsteinn | Feb 2, 2021 |
A journey through gateways described in detail of worlds not possible in RL ( )
  JohnLambrechts | Sep 24, 2018 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (9 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Tad WilliamsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Whelan, MichaelUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Dieses Buch ist meinem Vater Joseph Hill Evans gewidmet, von Herzen.

Aber wie schon gesagt, Vater liest keine Romane. Er hat noch gar nicht gemerkt, dass dieser Wälzer ihm gewidmet ist. Das ist jetzt der zweite Band - mal sehen, wie viele noch kommen müssen, bis er es mitkriegt.
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Schnee, überall Schnee - die Welt war weiß.
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Second book in New York Times-bestselling author Tad Williams's cyberpunk fantasy series * "Tad Williams is the brightest and best of the fantasists." ―Neil Gaiman, author of American Gods  Otherland. In many ways it is humankind's most stunning achievement: a private, multidimensional universe built over two generations by the greatest minds of the twenty-first century. But this most exclusive of places is also one of the world's best kept secrets, created and controlled by an organization made up of the world's most powerful and ruthless individuals, a private cartel known--to those who know of their existence at all--as The Grail Brotherhood. Though their purpose in creating Otherland is still a mystery, it may not remain so for long. For they have exacted a terrible price from humanity in the process, and even their highly organized global conspiracy cannot hide the nature of their crimes forever. And now a small band of adventurers has penetrated the veil of secrecy that prevents the uninitiated from entering Otherland. But having broken into the amazing worlds within worlds that make up this universe, they are trapped, unable to escape back to their own flesh-and-blood bodies in the real world. And as dangers and circumstances split their party into small, widely scattered groups, their only hope of reuniting lies in returning again and again to the River that flows--in one form or another--through all the worlds. But the odds seem to be completely against them as they--and the one outsider with whom they might join forces--become hopelessly lost in realms where an Ice Age tribe's fears can only be quenched in blood...where insects are as large and deadly as dinosaurs...where they are caught in the war between a man made of straw and one made of tin...where cartoon ads take on a life of their own...where humans strive to survive in the aftermath of an alien invasion...and where one among their party is actually The Grail Brotherhood's most terrifying weapon--a sociopathic killer who has never failed and whose current mission is to make certain that not even one member of this little invasion force lives long enough to reveal the truth about Otherland to the people of Earth...

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