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The Journey Cards: Guided by Grace

von Brandon Bays

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* This pack will continue the success of The Journey phenomenon. It consists of a 44 card pack, each with inspiring messages from the Journey process, along with a 12pp booklet, packaged together in an elegant box.; The Journey is a simple, revolutionary set of techniques that has freed thousands from lifelong emotional and physical blocks -- from addiction, depression and low self-esteem to chronic pain and illness.; The Journey was born of Brandon Bays' extraordinary experience of healing from a football-sized tumour, without drugs or surgery, in 6 weeks. Forced to go beyond the limits of known alternative therapies (she had been working in mind/body healing for two decades) she was catapulted into a remarkable, soul searching and ultimately ground-breaking healing journey. She pioneered a remarkable healing technique that guides us directly to the root cause of a longstanding difficulty -- emotional or physical -- and then gives us the tools to resolve it.; At the most sophisticated nexus of mind-body healing today, the Journey offers a simple imaginative process that is a revolutionary way to actually access memories held in specific parts of the body, bringing the latest findi… (mehr)
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* This pack will continue the success of The Journey phenomenon. It consists of a 44 card pack, each with inspiring messages from the Journey process, along with a 12pp booklet, packaged together in an elegant box.; The Journey is a simple, revolutionary set of techniques that has freed thousands from lifelong emotional and physical blocks -- from addiction, depression and low self-esteem to chronic pain and illness.; The Journey was born of Brandon Bays' extraordinary experience of healing from a football-sized tumour, without drugs or surgery, in 6 weeks. Forced to go beyond the limits of known alternative therapies (she had been working in mind/body healing for two decades) she was catapulted into a remarkable, soul searching and ultimately ground-breaking healing journey. She pioneered a remarkable healing technique that guides us directly to the root cause of a longstanding difficulty -- emotional or physical -- and then gives us the tools to resolve it.; At the most sophisticated nexus of mind-body healing today, the Journey offers a simple imaginative process that is a revolutionary way to actually access memories held in specific parts of the body, bringing the latest findi

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