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Mundos alternos : art and science fiction in the americas

von Kency Cornejo

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Mundos Alternos looks at science fiction in the Americas through a transcultural perspective, grounded in an understanding of "Latinidad" expressed through shared hemispheric experiences in language, culture and visual expression.If a Latin American science fiction is said to exist, the texts in this volume interrogate where that Latin America, and its science-fiction imagination, might be located. In addition to focusing on specific regions in North, Central and South America, the book's essays cross time and space, illuminating Soviet influence in Cuba, the impact of American pop culture in Mexico and the cross-pollination of European avant-garde aesthetics in Brazil. Mundos Alternos will be an indispensable resource for contemporary art curators working on Latin America, science-fiction scholars interested in visual interpretations of the genre and readers interested in science fiction, art, Latin America and the diaspora.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonpafalibrary, stevenmg, herronartlibrary
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Mundos Alternos looks at science fiction in the Americas through a transcultural perspective, grounded in an understanding of "Latinidad" expressed through shared hemispheric experiences in language, culture and visual expression.If a Latin American science fiction is said to exist, the texts in this volume interrogate where that Latin America, and its science-fiction imagination, might be located. In addition to focusing on specific regions in North, Central and South America, the book's essays cross time and space, illuminating Soviet influence in Cuba, the impact of American pop culture in Mexico and the cross-pollination of European avant-garde aesthetics in Brazil. Mundos Alternos will be an indispensable resource for contemporary art curators working on Latin America, science-fiction scholars interested in visual interpretations of the genre and readers interested in science fiction, art, Latin America and the diaspora.

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