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The Restoration Will

von Mayumi Suzuki

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"My parents, who owned photo studio, went missing after the 2011 tsunami. Our house was destroyed. It was a place for working, but also for living. I grew up there. After the disaster, I found my father's lens, portfolio, and our family album buried in the mud and the rubble. One day, I tried to take a landscape photo with my father's muddy lens. The image came out dark and blurry, like a view of the deceased. Through taking it, I felt I could connect this world with that world. I felt like I could have a conversation with my parents, though in fact that is impossible. The family snapshots I found were washed white, the images disappearing. The portraits taken by my father were stained, discolored. These scars are similar to the damage seen in my town, similar to my memories which I am slowly losing. I hope to retain my memory and my family history through this book. By arranging these photos, I have attempted to reproduce it."--Artist's website.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJan.De.Clercq, warrenf, staffoto
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"My parents, who owned photo studio, went missing after the 2011 tsunami. Our house was destroyed. It was a place for working, but also for living. I grew up there. After the disaster, I found my father's lens, portfolio, and our family album buried in the mud and the rubble. One day, I tried to take a landscape photo with my father's muddy lens. The image came out dark and blurry, like a view of the deceased. Through taking it, I felt I could connect this world with that world. I felt like I could have a conversation with my parents, though in fact that is impossible. The family snapshots I found were washed white, the images disappearing. The portraits taken by my father were stained, discolored. These scars are similar to the damage seen in my town, similar to my memories which I am slowly losing. I hope to retain my memory and my family history through this book. By arranging these photos, I have attempted to reproduce it."--Artist's website.

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