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Meeting Evil: A Novel von Thomas Berger
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Meeting Evil: A Novel (1992. Auflage)

von Thomas Berger (Autor)

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913306,988 (3.11)2
Meeting Evil tells an adrenaline-pumped, genuinely frightening tale of malevolence that swerves swiftly and irrevocably to a catastrophic climax. John Felton meets evil late one Monday morning when the doorbell rings. Standing on the front porch is a stranger. He wears expensive running shoes and a baseball cap and calls himself Richie. He tells John his car has stalled and asks for help. An altercation at the gas station leads to a shocking crime as violence begets violence. At the end of this harrowing day, John returns home to find Richie ensconced in his living room, chatting up his wife. The evil has somehow seeped into his life. Thus begins the transformation of an unremarkable husband and father of two into a desperate man willing to go to any length to protect his family from the darkness that threatens them. This is an extraordinary masterpiece and a chilling portrait of mounting menace played out against an everyday world of domestic routine, personified in a protagonist of basic decency grappling with both the immediate and existential meaning of true evil.… (mehr)
Titel:Meeting Evil: A Novel
Autoren:Thomas Berger (Autor)
Info:Little Brown & Co (1992), Edition: 1st, 220 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Meeting Evil: A Novel von Thomas Berger

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El timbre suena en la casa de John Felton. Del otro lado está el mal. Lleva zapatillas deportivas caras, una gorra de béisbol, y dice llamarse Richie. Le pide ayuda a John con su coche, que ha sufrido un desperfecto. Un altercado en la gasolinera conduce a un crimen espantoso, y de pronto John se ve envuelto en una espiral de violencia cada vez más terrible. Cuando por fin consigue librarse de Richie y regresar a su casa, vuelve a encontrárselo allí, cómodamente instalado en su salón, charlando con su esposa. Así comienza la transformación de John Felton, un esposo y padre de clase media, en un hombre desesperado y dispuesto a hacer lo que sea para proteger a su familia.
  Natt90 | Jul 19, 2022 |
3 stars, weird and entertaining. ( ) | Sep 28, 2016 |
A mean-spirited mental patient manipulates a passive-aggressive real estate salesman. If it was any longer, I would not have finished it. ( )
  bohemiangirl35 | May 20, 2013 |
keine Rezensionen | Rezension hinzufügen

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Meeting Evil tells an adrenaline-pumped, genuinely frightening tale of malevolence that swerves swiftly and irrevocably to a catastrophic climax. John Felton meets evil late one Monday morning when the doorbell rings. Standing on the front porch is a stranger. He wears expensive running shoes and a baseball cap and calls himself Richie. He tells John his car has stalled and asks for help. An altercation at the gas station leads to a shocking crime as violence begets violence. At the end of this harrowing day, John returns home to find Richie ensconced in his living room, chatting up his wife. The evil has somehow seeped into his life. Thus begins the transformation of an unremarkable husband and father of two into a desperate man willing to go to any length to protect his family from the darkness that threatens them. This is an extraordinary masterpiece and a chilling portrait of mounting menace played out against an everyday world of domestic routine, personified in a protagonist of basic decency grappling with both the immediate and existential meaning of true evil.

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