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Digital Transmission Engineering

von John B. Anderson

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This introduction to digital data transmission, modulation, and error-correction coding, together with the underlying communication and information theory is an all-inclusive text suitable for all those connected with Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science. Equal emphasis is given to underlying mathematical theory and engineering practice. Not meant to be an encyclopedic treatise, the book offers strong, accessible pedagogy. This Second Edition presents enhanced explanations of key ideas as well as additional examples and problems. It also provides greatly expanded coverage of wireless communication, which has seen exponential growth since the release of the first edition. . A pedagogocal approach aimed at the 5th year EE student. A balance of theory with engineering and design. Integration of important topics such as synchronization, radio channels, and wireless communication, which are left out of competing books, or lost in more lengthy formats.… (mehr)
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This introduction to digital data transmission, modulation, and error-correction coding, together with the underlying communication and information theory is an all-inclusive text suitable for all those connected with Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science. Equal emphasis is given to underlying mathematical theory and engineering practice. Not meant to be an encyclopedic treatise, the book offers strong, accessible pedagogy. This Second Edition presents enhanced explanations of key ideas as well as additional examples and problems. It also provides greatly expanded coverage of wireless communication, which has seen exponential growth since the release of the first edition. . A pedagogocal approach aimed at the 5th year EE student. A balance of theory with engineering and design. Integration of important topics such as synchronization, radio channels, and wireless communication, which are left out of competing books, or lost in more lengthy formats.

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