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Chocolate: 100 Essential Recipes

von Spruce

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100 essential recipes. This is the only book you will ever need to create an astonishing array of wonderful and delicious chocolatey treats. With helpful sections devoted to cakes, cookies, desserts, hot puddings and drinks. Chocolate contains 100 fabulous and foolproof recipes created by some of the world's leading professional confectionery cooks - including Chocolate Truffle Cake, Chocolate and Chestnut Roulade, and Chocolate Gingersnap Mousse. Bursting with fabulous, mouth-watering and wickedly decadent treats, it's packed with tried-and-tested classics as well as plenty of stunning new ideas. This is, simply, an indispensable guide that will help you create delightful treats that can be enjoyed sweet, gooey, crunchy or bitter. If you love chocolate, you're bound to love this book. Chocolate will also make the perfect gift for any food lover that you know, and is sure to become a perennial favorite on the kitchen bookshelf of anyone who is ken to broaden their chocolate cooking repertoire.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonSJKerr, RJW1882RJW, TrilogyLib, CharlotteG., simonacook
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100 essential recipes. This is the only book you will ever need to create an astonishing array of wonderful and delicious chocolatey treats. With helpful sections devoted to cakes, cookies, desserts, hot puddings and drinks. Chocolate contains 100 fabulous and foolproof recipes created by some of the world's leading professional confectionery cooks - including Chocolate Truffle Cake, Chocolate and Chestnut Roulade, and Chocolate Gingersnap Mousse. Bursting with fabulous, mouth-watering and wickedly decadent treats, it's packed with tried-and-tested classics as well as plenty of stunning new ideas. This is, simply, an indispensable guide that will help you create delightful treats that can be enjoyed sweet, gooey, crunchy or bitter. If you love chocolate, you're bound to love this book. Chocolate will also make the perfect gift for any food lover that you know, and is sure to become a perennial favorite on the kitchen bookshelf of anyone who is ken to broaden their chocolate cooking repertoire.

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