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Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level

von Saundra Yancy McGuire

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Following up on her acclaimed Teach Students How to Learn, that describes teaching strategies to facilitate dramatic improvements in student learning and success, Saundra McGuire here presents these "secrets" direct to students. Beginning with explaining how expectations about learning, and the study efforts required, differ between college and secondary school, the author introduces her listeners, through the concept of metacognition, to the importance and powerful consequences of understanding themselves as learners. This framework and the recommended strategies that support it are useful for anyone moving on to a more advanced stage of education. In a conversational tone, and liberally illustrated by anecdotes of past students, the author combines introducing listeners to concepts like Bloom's Taxonomy, fixed and growth mindsets, as well as what brain science has to tell us about rest, nutrition and exercise, together with such highly specific learning strategies as how to read a textbook, manage their time, and take tests. With engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, this book is an ideal motivational and practical text for study skills and first year experience courses.… (mehr)
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Following up on her acclaimed Teach Students How to Learn, that describes teaching strategies to facilitate dramatic improvements in student learning and success, Saundra McGuire here presents these "secrets" direct to students. Beginning with explaining how expectations about learning, and the study efforts required, differ between college and secondary school, the author introduces her listeners, through the concept of metacognition, to the importance and powerful consequences of understanding themselves as learners. This framework and the recommended strategies that support it are useful for anyone moving on to a more advanced stage of education. In a conversational tone, and liberally illustrated by anecdotes of past students, the author combines introducing listeners to concepts like Bloom's Taxonomy, fixed and growth mindsets, as well as what brain science has to tell us about rest, nutrition and exercise, together with such highly specific learning strategies as how to read a textbook, manage their time, and take tests. With engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, this book is an ideal motivational and practical text for study skills and first year experience courses.

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