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Systemic lupus erythematosus : basic, applied and clinical aspects

von George Tsokos

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"Distills current understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic and environmental factors that instigate and drive the disease Includes comprehensive coverage of clinical features, including fatigue, organ system manifestations, overlap syndromes, infections, and more Conveys the very latest understanding of mechanisms of tissue damage, including immune complexes, antibodies, and other mechanisms that lead to organ damage Discusses the latest treatment options on disease modifying or disease controlling agents Provides 'one stop' coverage of all the latest scientific and clinical developments in SLE: new concepts in epidemiology, disease activity measures and outcomes; new concepts in immunoregulation, genetic and pathogenic mechanisms; new understanding and novel presentation of the processes of tissue/organ damage; comprehensive coverage of clinical features; and the very latest concepts in treatment"--… (mehr)
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"Distills current understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic and environmental factors that instigate and drive the disease Includes comprehensive coverage of clinical features, including fatigue, organ system manifestations, overlap syndromes, infections, and more Conveys the very latest understanding of mechanisms of tissue damage, including immune complexes, antibodies, and other mechanisms that lead to organ damage Discusses the latest treatment options on disease modifying or disease controlling agents Provides 'one stop' coverage of all the latest scientific and clinical developments in SLE: new concepts in epidemiology, disease activity measures and outcomes; new concepts in immunoregulation, genetic and pathogenic mechanisms; new understanding and novel presentation of the processes of tissue/organ damage; comprehensive coverage of clinical features; and the very latest concepts in treatment"--

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