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Seasons of Communion: A Planning Workbook for Sharing the Lord's Table Through the Christian Year

von Paul L. Escamilla

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How can the celebration of Holy Communion add depth and meaning to your church's Sunday worship? What would transform the Lord's Supper in your congregation from a routine ritual into a vital, dynamic experience? In Seasons of Communion, Paul Escamilla leads you through a process of discovering the rich and vibrant possibilities for sharing the Eucharist in worship through the seasons of the year. Seasons of Communion provides hands-on, practical tolls for deepening and enriching the celebration of the Lord's Supper in your local church setting, guiding pastor, Sunday school class, or planning group through studying or planning worship for each season of the year. Your congregation will be invited to experience the joy and power of the sacrament in new ways as you utilize this workbook either as a simple, stimulating study-discussion guide or in planning and sharing actual services of Holy Communion. An ideal workbook for pastors, music directors, Christian educators, worship committees, and others who plan worship; also an easy-to-use study guide for adult Sunday school classes and other study groups wanting to explore and discuss the Christian year and the sacrament we call Holy Communion.… (mehr)
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How can the celebration of Holy Communion add depth and meaning to your church's Sunday worship? What would transform the Lord's Supper in your congregation from a routine ritual into a vital, dynamic experience? In Seasons of Communion, Paul Escamilla leads you through a process of discovering the rich and vibrant possibilities for sharing the Eucharist in worship through the seasons of the year. Seasons of Communion provides hands-on, practical tolls for deepening and enriching the celebration of the Lord's Supper in your local church setting, guiding pastor, Sunday school class, or planning group through studying or planning worship for each season of the year. Your congregation will be invited to experience the joy and power of the sacrament in new ways as you utilize this workbook either as a simple, stimulating study-discussion guide or in planning and sharing actual services of Holy Communion. An ideal workbook for pastors, music directors, Christian educators, worship committees, and others who plan worship; also an easy-to-use study guide for adult Sunday school classes and other study groups wanting to explore and discuss the Christian year and the sacrament we call Holy Communion.

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