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History class revisited : tools and projects to engage middle school students in social studies

von Jody Passanisi

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Learn new approaches to teaching history in middle school so students are more engaged in the big ideas and eager to examine the world around them. Co-published by Routledge and MiddleWeb, this practical guide will help you consider the unique needs of middle schoolers, who are in the midst of many social and emotional changes and need to see why the study of history matters to their own lives. Author Jody Passanisi shares helpful strategies and activities to make your social studies class a place where students can relate to the material, connect past history to present events, collaborate with others, think critically about important issues, and take ownership of their learning. Topics include: Reading and analyzing primary and secondary sources for deeper comprehension of historical issues Developing a written argument and defending it with supporting details and cited sources Examining the social context of a historical event and tracing the historical underpinnings of present day issues Using field trips, games, and Project Based Learning to make learning history a fun and interactive experience Assessing your students' progress using self-reflection, projects, essays, and presentations The appendices offer resources for each of the topics covered in the book as well as reproducible Blackline Masters of the charts and diagrams, which can be photocopied or downloaded from our website ( for classroom use.… (mehr)
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Learn new approaches to teaching history in middle school so students are more engaged in the big ideas and eager to examine the world around them. Co-published by Routledge and MiddleWeb, this practical guide will help you consider the unique needs of middle schoolers, who are in the midst of many social and emotional changes and need to see why the study of history matters to their own lives. Author Jody Passanisi shares helpful strategies and activities to make your social studies class a place where students can relate to the material, connect past history to present events, collaborate with others, think critically about important issues, and take ownership of their learning. Topics include: Reading and analyzing primary and secondary sources for deeper comprehension of historical issues Developing a written argument and defending it with supporting details and cited sources Examining the social context of a historical event and tracing the historical underpinnings of present day issues Using field trips, games, and Project Based Learning to make learning history a fun and interactive experience Assessing your students' progress using self-reflection, projects, essays, and presentations The appendices offer resources for each of the topics covered in the book as well as reproducible Blackline Masters of the charts and diagrams, which can be photocopied or downloaded from our website ( for classroom use.

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