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What If Everybody Said That? von Ellen…
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What If Everybody Said That? (2018. Auflage)

von Ellen Javernick (Autor), Colleen Madden (Illustrator)

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2423115,106 (3.58)1
A self-centered child is asked to consider what would happen if everyone behaved the way they did.
Titel:What If Everybody Said That?
Autoren:Ellen Javernick (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Colleen Madden (Illustrator)
Info:Two Lions (2018), 24 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:to-read, kindle-first, childrens


What If Everybody Said That? von Ellen Javernick

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Right from the start, you can't help but be drawn in. I mean, the title alone would do it with all the ponderings it brings to mind, but combine that with the cover, you just know something is about to go down, and you want to be a part of it...or perhaps not. You see, our little leading lady is being anything but angelic. Now don't get me wrong, people should be free to be themselves, but that goes for EVERYONE, and ridiculing, picking on, or name calling is for the birds...well, okay, not even them, but you know what I mean. No one likes to be on the receiving end of things in that type of situation, and no one should be. If only we would all take a moment to think about the other person's feelings, consider how our words might be taken...or pose the question, what if everybody said that?

It's a real eye opening story, and the illustrations really give it that 1-2 punch. You can see the feelings on both their faces when comments are made, almost hearing the judgment being passed, the hearts/dreams being broken. It really reminds us to CHOOSE KINDNESS in all our daily actions and reactions. Honestly, you never know how those words said in the heat of the moment, or without a passing thought, are going to impact the person they are being said to. You might stop the next Picasso from becoming the artist they were meant to be, the next scientist in training from discovering the cure to incurable diseases, or even simply put the extra dose of lighter fluid on someone's already "stellar" day that could have used your moment of kindness, encouragement, or even simply...silence. Hey, I don't know about you, but I was always told "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all"...certainly can't go wrong there, but reaching out that helping hand, or extending that kind word is definitely a step up too.

Recommended read for kiddos of all ages because really...who couldn't use a reminder to think before we speak...especially in today's world?

**copy received for review ( )
  GRgenius | Sep 15, 2019 |
Similar to "What if Everybody Did That?" in the matter where it gives clear examples of how harmful words can be and the importance of being nice.
  maddiefinnigan | May 18, 2019 |
The text is simple and easily understood. The images are bright and full of fun detail, drawn straight from real life. And the lesson is wise. What if everyone thought of themselves first, insulted others in the name of honesty, refused to continue with things that got tough…? (Hmm, kind of like real life?) Each page involves a different person asking “What if everyone said that?” and an image, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant or how that would look, until the final question… and the answer. What if everyone was kind? What if everyone thought about someone else’s feelings? What if we could make friends?

I love the blend of humor and serious message in this book. I love how easily any child will relate to the situations. And I love the book.

Disclosure: It was on a deal and I got it. ( )
  SheilaDeeth | Aug 29, 2018 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Javernick, EllenHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Madden, ColleenIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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A self-centered child is asked to consider what would happen if everyone behaved the way they did.

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