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Possessive (Merciless World) von Willow…
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Possessive (Merciless World) (2018. Auflage)

von Willow Winters (Autor)

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From USA Today bestselling author Willow Winters comes an emotionally gripping, standalone, contemporary romance. It was never love with Daniel and I never thought it would be. It was only lust from a distance. Unrequited love maybe. He's a man I could never have, for so many reasons. That didn't stop my heart from beating wildly when his eyes pierced through me. It only slowed back down when he'd look away, making me feel so damn unworthy and reminding me that he would never be mine.Years have passed and one look at him brings it all back. But time changes everything.There's a heat in his eyes I recognize from so long ago, a tension between us I thought was one-sided. "Tell me you want it." His rough voice cuts through the night and I can't resist. That's where my story really begins.Possessive is an emotional, gripping story. Filled with heartache, guilt and longing! Possessive will take you on a journey of obsession and's emotional, raw and captivating. - Beyond The Covers Blog… (mehr)
Titel:Possessive (Merciless World)
Autoren:Willow Winters (Autor)
Info:Independently published (2018), 298 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Possessive von Willow Winters

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** spoiler alert ** To begin with, I would recommend this book to anyone has enjoyed Winters stories and to whoever loves a Beauty and the Beast type of story with a tragedy. Since the beginning of the story, the emotions of Addison and Daniel have been clear and understandable, with grieving for Tyler Cross as well as their feelings for one another.

Addison is looking for a new start near the beginning and Daniel is trying to carry on but is constantly drawn back to her, just like he was when they were younger and Addison was dating Tyler. I love the way how both of them are drawn to each other and how they will admit to themselves but deny it to everyone even though they are able to clearly see it with their actions and with what they say.

The way Addison expressed her feelings towards Daniel when they went out for drinks. It was a typical drunk scene but it fit into the plot amazingly well that I didn't even think it was typical till I put the book down to sleep that day. When Daniel slipped up about his feelings to Addison was just beautiful, even though he didn't say the word 'love', with what he said the words showed his love for Addison in his own way. It made me smile and my heart warm.

When Daniel admits to what he did after Tyler's death when he was following and watching Addison in pain when she ran and he never helped her, it was reasonable in my eyes and I knew that if I was Addison, I would be the exact same. Needing space after that knowledge is what most people would want especially when they ended up believing that she was crazy. Then the attack on Addison, inside her home seemed to have kicked the two of them needing to go to each other. Daniel was driving to her house to say goodbye as he was returning to the Cross Estate, but the attacked seemed to show that they needed each other, even though Addison knew Daniel was bad for her, she loves her bad boy and he was there. The attack helped to push them together after their little split after the new knowledge of Daniel's past of watching Addison.

Tyler's chapter of 5 years ago, when Addison dumped him for the last time before his death, was needed and it was amazingly placed into the plot. It was a great insight to his feelings towards the knowledge of Addison's and Daniel's feeling towards each other before his death. Even though you saw Tyler's reactions and we read what he said through Daniel's or Addison's point of views, having a chapter near the end was just the right thing to show us that he truly did accept their feelings for each other and he already knew. Also, to know that he was going to Addison's to say goodbye and to tell her that it was okay to love Daniel with no grudge on his side, was just beautiful and it was what Addison was needing to know.

The last chapter of when they are at Cross Estate and seeing Declan and Jase for the first time in years - for Addison. It was heartwarming and it definitely placed a smile on my face. I was also thinking that they wouldn't want to see her and they'd be annoyed at the two of them for being together, but to see the brothers accepting their relationship and reasons behind their actions in the past was great to see. The true "I love you" were spoken by both of them, I screamed in my head FINALLY. You can see their love throughout the book, but it is one thing seeing it and another to having it spoken in the book.

I love the writing, it brought a moving into my mind as well as drawing me into the plotline till I had withdrawal symptoms for not reading to for a while. I felt what the characters were feeling and it was like you were actually in the story, not just observing but you were apart of their whole journey and that is what I loved the most. Amazing, steamy, sexy and dark all the things that make a Cross brother. ( )
  BethanyJaneBook | Jul 13, 2020 |
Holy smokes this was a great read. Raw and very emotional. What would you do if the one person you loved was the one person you felt you could never have? Possessive invokes a train wreck of emotion in the reader as a forbidden second chance love begins to develop, with only the truth standing in their way.

I devoured Winters’ words with each turn of the page. This is definitely a book to be owned and read. ( )
  dthompson1016 | Mar 16, 2018 |
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From USA Today bestselling author Willow Winters comes an emotionally gripping, standalone, contemporary romance. It was never love with Daniel and I never thought it would be. It was only lust from a distance. Unrequited love maybe. He's a man I could never have, for so many reasons. That didn't stop my heart from beating wildly when his eyes pierced through me. It only slowed back down when he'd look away, making me feel so damn unworthy and reminding me that he would never be mine.Years have passed and one look at him brings it all back. But time changes everything.There's a heat in his eyes I recognize from so long ago, a tension between us I thought was one-sided. "Tell me you want it." His rough voice cuts through the night and I can't resist. That's where my story really begins.Possessive is an emotional, gripping story. Filled with heartache, guilt and longing! Possessive will take you on a journey of obsession and's emotional, raw and captivating. - Beyond The Covers Blog

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