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Advances in food and nutrition research. Volume 81

von Fidel Toldrá

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Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 81 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiencies, paying special attention to the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. This new release in the series focuses on a variety of topics, including sections on nanotechnologies that can be used to increase nutrient bioavailability, an analysis of the implications of nitrites and nitrates in foods, metabolic phenotyping of diet and dietary intake, and an interesting discussion of foodomics, amongst other topics. The series provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption.… (mehr)

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Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 81 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiencies, paying special attention to the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. This new release in the series focuses on a variety of topics, including sections on nanotechnologies that can be used to increase nutrient bioavailability, an analysis of the implications of nitrites and nitrates in foods, metabolic phenotyping of diet and dietary intake, and an interesting discussion of foodomics, amongst other topics. The series provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption.

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