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Summary & Analysis: It Can't Happen Here

von Osmosis Jones

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IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE | Summary & Analysis - NOT ORIGINAL BOOK With news of the dictatorship Adolph Hitler is building in Germany and the Fascists regime taking root in Italy Lewis Sinclair attacks the basic American precept that something of that magnitude cannot happen here. As the election of the century heats up it becomes apparent to Doremus Jessup that the Senator Berzelius Windrip was well on his way to defeating incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the entire Republican Party. Upon his election Windrip begins doing the unthinkable as he disbands the states and does away with all political parties except a new one entitled Corporate America Party. As Windrip gains more and more power a noble fight takes place as Doremus Jessup and others in the New Underground go to war to fight despotism. Inside this Osmosis Jones Summary: Summary of Each Chapter Highlights (Key Points) BONUS: Free Report about The Tidiest and Messiest Places on Earth -… (mehr)
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IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE | Summary & Analysis - NOT ORIGINAL BOOK With news of the dictatorship Adolph Hitler is building in Germany and the Fascists regime taking root in Italy Lewis Sinclair attacks the basic American precept that something of that magnitude cannot happen here. As the election of the century heats up it becomes apparent to Doremus Jessup that the Senator Berzelius Windrip was well on his way to defeating incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the entire Republican Party. Upon his election Windrip begins doing the unthinkable as he disbands the states and does away with all political parties except a new one entitled Corporate America Party. As Windrip gains more and more power a noble fight takes place as Doremus Jessup and others in the New Underground go to war to fight despotism. Inside this Osmosis Jones Summary: Summary of Each Chapter Highlights (Key Points) BONUS: Free Report about The Tidiest and Messiest Places on Earth -

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