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Still Waters

von Mari Carr, Jayne Rylon

Reihen: Compass Boys (3)

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Bryant is unlike other relentlessly alpha Compton men, including the three cousins he loves like brothers. While they grew up drooling over pretty girls in Compton Pass, he was sneaking peeks of the sexy men working his family¿s ranch.All that sweaty, shirtless skin¿ flexing, exposed muscle¿ tight, dusty jeans¿ The temptation proved too much. As a reckless teen, Bryant let a cowboy kiss him in the barn¿a decision with horrifying consequences.Grateful for college and a chance to escape the aftermath of his mistake, Bryant buried himself in his hydrology studies. Missing his family while he learned how to tame his cowboy craving seemed like fair punishment.Now, with his education one thesis project away from completion, Bryant still isn¿t prepared. There¿s a gorgeous cowboy tattoo artist not-so-patiently waiting for him to return from academic exile.Vaughn¿s gracious offer of assistance on Bryant¿s water conservation experiment at Compass Ranch is simultaneously a relief and the ultimate torture. One final test Bryant may just flunk. Because Vaughn is determined to cannonball into the deep, still waters of Bryant¿s repressed sexuality.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonGabi90, kbranfield, Tricialenht
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Mari CarrHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Rylon, JayneHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Bryant is unlike other relentlessly alpha Compton men, including the three cousins he loves like brothers. While they grew up drooling over pretty girls in Compton Pass, he was sneaking peeks of the sexy men working his family¿s ranch.All that sweaty, shirtless skin¿ flexing, exposed muscle¿ tight, dusty jeans¿ The temptation proved too much. As a reckless teen, Bryant let a cowboy kiss him in the barn¿a decision with horrifying consequences.Grateful for college and a chance to escape the aftermath of his mistake, Bryant buried himself in his hydrology studies. Missing his family while he learned how to tame his cowboy craving seemed like fair punishment.Now, with his education one thesis project away from completion, Bryant still isn¿t prepared. There¿s a gorgeous cowboy tattoo artist not-so-patiently waiting for him to return from academic exile.Vaughn¿s gracious offer of assistance on Bryant¿s water conservation experiment at Compass Ranch is simultaneously a relief and the ultimate torture. One final test Bryant may just flunk. Because Vaughn is determined to cannonball into the deep, still waters of Bryant¿s repressed sexuality.

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